During Q3 2018 the big money sentiment decreased to 1.33. That’s change of 0.20, from 2018Q2’s 1.53. 11 investors sold all, 40 reduced holdings as PriceSmart, Inc. ratio dropped. 45 rose stakes while 23 funds acquired stakes. Funds hold 22.96 million shares thus 1.92% less from 2018Q2’s 23.41 million shares.
Brinker reported 0.03% in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT). Rbf Cap Ltd Liability Com holds 2,500 shs. First Republic Invest Mgmt accumulated 0% or 2,896 shs. Synovus Fincl reported 13 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Citigroup accumulated 15,091 shs. Utd Automobile Association invested 0% of its capital in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT). Qs Invsts Lc holds 0% of its capital in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT) for 3,300 shs. Sei accumulated 13,310 shs. Edgepoint Inv Inc holds 2.31M shs or 2.12% of its capital. Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Pub School Empls Retrmt Systems accumulated 74,321 shs. Credit Suisse Ag holds 0% of its capital in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT) for 13,694 shs. Morgan Stanley holds 41,435 shs or 0% of its capital. Ameritas Prtnrs stated it has 0.01% in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT). Teachers Retirement Systems Of The State Of Kentucky invested 0.03% in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT). Parametric Port Lc has invested 0% in PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT).
PriceSmart, Inc. registered $10.89 million net activity with 0 insider buys and 16 selling transactions since August 15, 2018. Laparte Jose Luis had sold 15,995 shs worth $1.04 million on Wednesday, November 14. Shares for $139,495 were sold by Calvo Rodrigo. $36,059 worth of PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT) shs were sold by LYNN MITCHELL G. Shares for $38,914 were sold by Diaz Frank Ramon.
Edgepoint Investment Group Inc acquired Pricesmart Inc stake
The Securities and Exchange Commission report SC 13G filed by Edgepoint Investment Group Inc can be reviewed here: . It has Pricesmart Inc.In the Edgepoint Investment Group Inc�s report the filler of the Consumer Staples–company has announced 9.8% or 2,985,789 shares.
It was filed as new stake in Pricesmart Inc of the filler on December31, 2018.The Edgepoint Investment Group Inc�s view may bring Pricesmart Inc optimistic attention.
Pricesmart Inc Institutional Sentiment
126 investors own Pricesmart Inc says the latest Securities and Exchange Commission filings. In Q3 2017 the institutional ownership is high, which is Infinity of the outstanding shares. By 791643 shares it is increased. Institutional investors owned 21916642. In total 22 funds opened new Pricesmart Inc stakes, 49 increased stakes. There were 12 that closed positions and 35 reduced them.
The first, Robotti Robert is having 5553 shares since Q3 2017 for 0.14% of its portfolio. The next Pecaut & Company has 19330 shares or 1.41% of its portfolio. 906950 shares has X0 Genesis Asset Managers Llp which is 2.84% of their stock portfolio. Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management Llc announced stake worth 1.22% of its US stock portfolio. Further, the 243800 shares are owned by V8 Lombard Odier Asset Management Switzerland Sa. Pricesmart Inc is 2.11% of the manager�s US portfolio.
Ticker’s shares touched $60.9 during the last trading session after 1.42% change.PriceSmart, Inc. has volume of 107,022 shares. Since February 14, 2018 PSMT has declined 25.87% and is downtrending. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 25.87%.
PriceSmart, Inc. owns and operates the U.S.-style membership shopping warehouse clubs in Latin America and the Caribbean.The company has $1.86 billion market cap. The company's warehouse clubs offer brand name and private label consumer goods to individuals and businesses.27.95 is the P/E ratio. As of October 26, 2017, it operated 40 warehouse clubs comprising 7 each in Colombia and Costa Rica; 5 in Panama; 4 in Trinidad; 3 each in Guatemala, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic; 2 in El Salvador and Nicaragua; and 1 each in Aruba, Barbados, Jamaica, and the United States Virgin Islands.
For more PriceSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSMT) news published briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Benzinga.com, Nasdaq.com, Benzinga.com or Prnewswire.com. The titles are as follows: “PriceSmart: A Potential Turnaround Story Requires Patience – Seeking Alpha” published on December 04, 2018, “10 Stocks To Watch For January 9, 2019 – Benzinga” on January 09, 2019, “Report: Developing Opportunities within United Technologies, Summit Hotel Properties, Immunomedics, PriceSmart, American Assets Trust, and Semtech — Future Expectations, Projections Moving into 2019 – Nasdaq” with a publish date: February 06, 2019, “8 Stocks To Watch For April 5, 2018 – Benzinga” and the last “PriceSmart Announces Voting Results from 2019 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and a Semi-Annual Dividend – PRNewswire” with publication date: January 31, 2019.
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