SSE PLC ORDINARY SHARES UNITED KINGDOM (OTCMKTS:SSEZF) noted a decrease of 61.82% in shares shorted. It was issued in February by FINRA the 83,300 shares shorted on SSEZF. That’s 61.82% down from 218,200 shares. Previous SSEZF’s position will need 167 days to restore. It has 500 average volume.
The last price was $15.42.Since February 17, 2018 it’s 0.00% down thus . The stock the S&P 500 by 0.00%.
SSE plc produces, generates, distributes, and supplies electricity and gas, as well as other energy-related services in the United Kingdom and Ireland.The firm is worth $16.05 billion. It operates through three divisions: Wholesale, Networks, and Retail.The P/E ratio is 51.41. The firm generates electricity from gas, oil, coal, water, and wind.
Another two news for SSE plc (OTCMKTS:SSEZF) were recently brought out by: on September 08, 2015 with title “Drax Group: An Asymmetric Bet On A Significantly Undervalued Utility – Seeking Alpha”. The other‘s article was titled “SSE acquires 50% stake in Seagreen Wind Energy – Seeking Alpha” and brought out on September 25, 2018.
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