“Big money” Positions
In Q3 2018 MTS Systems Corp (NASDAQ:MTSC) big money sentiment decreased to 1.15, according to SEC.gov filings. So its down -0.69, from 2018Q2’s 1.84. 68 funds increased and opened new stock positions, while 59 reduced and sold their positions in MTS Systems Corp so the sentiment dived. Funds own 17.09 million shares, down from 17.33 million shares in 2018Q2. Funds holding MTS Systems Corp in top 10 decreased from 1 to 0 for a decrease of 1. In total 13 funds closed positions, 46 reduced and 49 increased. Also 19 funds bought new MTS Systems Corp stakes.
Significant MTS Systems Corp Shareholders
As of Q3 2018 Tributary Capital Management Llc has 1.49% invested in MTS Systems Corp. MTS Systems Corp’s shareholder 1492 Capital Management Llc owns 30,878 shares as of Q3 2018. Ariel Investments Llc reported 1.75 million shares. The California-based fund Fuller & Thaler Asset Management Inc. have invested about 0.78% of the investment professional’s stock portfolio in MTS Systems Corp. The Missouri-based fund Piermont Capital Management Inc. looks positive on MTS Systems Corp, owning 29,080 shares.
MTS Systems Corporation supplies test systems and sensors in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.The company has $983.38 million market cap. The companyÂ’s Test segment offers road simulators for durability simulation; tire performance and rolling resistance measurement systems; moving road-plane systems and balances for aerodynamics measurements in wind tunnels; service to maintain the equipment; systems for the physical characterization of material properties, including ceramics, composites, and steel; and systems to test durability and performance of implants, prostheses, and other medical and dental materials and devices.27.42 is the P/E ratio. It also provides products, systems, and software to perform static and fatigue testing of aircraft and space vehicles; products for blades, bearings, and wind turbines; structural engineering systems, such as static and dynamic testing; and seismic simulation tables to test the design of structures and establish building codes.
MTSC hit $54.93 during the last trading session after $1.63 change.MTS Systems Corporation has volume of 83,556 shares. Since March 2, 2018 MTSC has declined 17.01% and is downtrending. MTSC underperformed by 17.01% the S&P500.
Van Den Berg Mgmt I holds 18,855 shs. 23,797 were accumulated by Great West Life Assurance Can. Dubuque National Bank And Tru holds 243 shs or 0% of its capital. 128,735 were accumulated by Morgan Stanley. Piedmont Investment Advsrs reported 4,114 shs. Northern Trust invested in 285,096 shs. Victory Mngmt stated it has 0% of its capital in MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ:MTSC). Citigroup holds 38,694 shs or 0% of its capital. Suntrust Banks Incorporated reported 6,230 shs. Thrivent For Lutherans has 0% invested in MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ:MTSC). Sector Pension Board holds 0% in MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ:MTSC) or 12,219 shs. 24,679 are held by Alliancebernstein Lp. Manufacturers Life Insur The holds 11,686 shs. Tiaa Cref Mgmt Ltd Liability Co holds 0% or 39,891 shs. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department reported 9,727 shs.
MTS Systems Corporation had 0 sales and 5 insider purchases since November 28, 2018. This’s net activity of $711,194. GRAVES JEFFREY A also bought $91,960 worth of MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ:MTSC) on Wednesday, November 28. On Friday, November 30 Shares for $471,063 were bought by SCHROCK MICHAEL V.
For more MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ:MTSC) news published briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Nasdaq.com, Benzinga.com, Prnewswire.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “MTS Systems Corporation (MTSC) CEO Jeff Graves on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” published on August 12, 2018, “MTS Systems (MTSC) Earnings Expected to Grow: Should You Buy? – Nasdaq” on January 28, 2019, “Earnings Scheduled For November 26, 2018 – Benzinga” with a publish date: November 26, 2018, “MTS Announces Declaration of Quarterly Cash Dividend – PRNewswire” and the last “MTS Systems Corporation (MTSC) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for December 14, 2018 – Nasdaq” with publication date: December 13, 2018.
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