It was registered an increase on BIOMASS SECURE POWER INC ORDINARY SHARES (OTCMKTS:BMSPF)’s short interest with 32.99%. FINRA issued in March BMSPF’s total 39,100 short interest. The 29,400 previous shares are up with 32.99%. Previous BMSPF’s position will need 0 days to recover. It has 110,400 average volume.
BMSPF is hitting $0.0103 during the last trading session, after decreased 39.05%.Currently Biomass Secure Power Inc. is after 0.00% change in last March 7, 2018. BMSPF has also shares volume. BMSPF underperformed the S&P 500 by 4.37%.
Biomass Secure Power Inc., a development stage company, focuses on the production and supply of biomass briquettes for general use as a substitute for coal.The firm is valued at $6.69 million. The firm intends to provides biomass briquettes primarily for European utility clients.Last it reported negative earnings.
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