NORDEA BANK ABP ORDINARY SHARES FINLAND (OTCMKTS:NBNKF) had a decrease of its shorted shares by 55.26%. In March was issued NBNKF’s total 2.29 million shorted shares by FINRA. The 5.12M previous shares are down with 55.26%. 11461 days will cost NBNKF with 200 average volume to restore its former position.

$8.88 was the last price.Since March 10, 2018 it’s 0.00% up thus . NBNKF underperformed by 4.37% the S&P500.

Nordea Bank Abp provides various banking services and products for personal customers, small and medium business, and corporates and financial institutions in Europe.The firm is worth $34.88 billion. It operates through Personal Banking, Commercial & Business Banking, Wholesale Banking, and Wealth Management divisions.9.69 is the P/E ratio. It offers investment solutions, including fixed income, equity, and multi asset; cash management solutions; a range of asset finance, sales finance, and receivable finance solutions, as well as wholesale financing and management, and fleet management services.

There’s a substantial Nordea Bank Abp (OTCMKTS:NBNKF) news announced by Seekingalpha.com. It’s an item titled: “Nordea Bank AB ADR 2018 Q4 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” on February 06, 2019.

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