During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment increased to 0.94. That’s change of 0.13, from 2018Q3’s 0.81. 55 investors sold all, 925 reduced holdings as MSFT ratio increased. 758 increased stakes while 168 funds acquired stakes. Funds hold 5.48 billion shares thus 3.82% more from 2018Q3’s 5.28 billion shares. Burns J W And Ny has 5.06% invested in Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) for 177,736 shs. Main Street Llc owns 9,650 shs. New England owns 1.13% invested in Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) for 14,084 shs. Clough Partners LP reported 315,900 shs. Dsm Ptnrs Limited has 4.84M shs for 8.47% of their capital. 12,018 were reported by Noesis Capital Mangement Corp. 9,017 were accumulated by Summit Financial Strategies Inc. Plante Moran Advisors Ltd Liability Com accumulated 32,282 shs. Natl Pension Serv holds 2.92% of its capital in Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) for 6.61 million shs. Private Cap reported 4,003 shs stake. Ballentine Prns Lc stated it has 60,394 shs. Aureus Asset Ltd Liability Co reported 83,969 shs. Westwood Mgmt Il reported 8.08% of its capital in Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT). Welch Forbes accumulated 2.65% or 923,935 shs. Weitz Inv has invested 0.07% of its capital in Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT).
MSFT had 8 insider sales and 0 insider purchases since October 26, 2018. This’s net activity of $58.46 million. Shares for $2.15 million were sold by BROD FRANK H. Hogan Kathleen T sold $4.06M worth of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) or 36,500 shs on Thursday, November 8. On Thursday, December 6 Capossela Christopher C had sold 4,000 shs worth $432,000.
New York State Common Retirement Fund decreased its stake by 4.86% in Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), according to 2018Q4 SEC form. 1.03M shares were sold by New York State Common Retirement Fund as the company’s stock rose 1.03% with the market. At the end of 2018Q4, the institutional investor held 20.23 million shares of the prepackaged software company, priced at $2.06 billion, down from 21.27 million at the end of the previous reported quarter. $847.86B is the market cap of Microsoft Corporation. Ticker’s shares touched $110.51 during the last trading session after 0.11% change.Currently Microsoft Corporation is uptrending after 20.90% change in last March 11, 2018. MSFT has 5,466 shares volume. MSFT outperformed the S&P500 by 16.53%.
New York State Common Retirement Fund increased its stake in Ball Corporation (NYSE:BLL) by 168,907 shares to 1.13M shares, valued at $51.99M in 2018Q4, according to the filing. It operates about $69.04B US Long portfolio. For a total of 711,789 shares it increased its holding in Allscripts Healthcare Sol (NASDAQ:MDRX) by 510,589 shares in the quarter, and has risen its stake in Triumph Group Inc (NYSE:TGI).
On April, 25. Investors expect Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) to report its quarterly earnings, Faxor reports. earnings per share of $1.00 is 5.26 % up from 2018’s $0.95 EPS. MSFT’s profit could hit $7.67 billion if the current earnings per share of $1.00 is accurate. Wall Street now forecasts -9.09 % negative EPS growth despite Microsoft Corporation last quarter’s EPS of $1.10.
For more Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) news published recently go to: Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Seekingalpha.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “Microsoft (MSFT) Gains As Market Dips: What You Should Know – Nasdaq” published on March 08, 2019, “Technology Sector Update for 02/22/2019: STMP, TTD, PAGS, MSFT, AAPL, IBM, CSCO, GOOG – Nasdaq” on February 22, 2019, “Technology Sector Update for 02/15/2019: MRIN, LOGM, TLND, MSFT, AAPL, CSCO, IBM, GOOG – Nasdaq” with a publish date: February 15, 2019, “Microsoft: Relax, The Sky Isn’t Falling – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Technology Sector Update for 02/11/2019: RGSE,DPW, MSFT, AAPL, CSCO, IBM, GOOG – Nasdaq” with publication date: February 11, 2019.
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Ratings Coverage
In total 7 analysts cover Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT). “Buy” rating has 6, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. (NASDAQ:MSFT) has 86% bullish analysts. With $140 highest and $21 lowest PT, Microsoft has $111.86 average PT or 1.22% above the current ($110.51) price. 10 are the (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s ratings reports on Mar 11, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Thursday, October 25 Citigroup maintained the shares of MSFT in report with “Neutral” rating. On Monday, February 25 the stock of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has “Buy” rating given by Wedbush. On Thursday, November 29 the firm has “Buy” rating by Wedbush given. On Thursday, October 25 the firm has “Overweight” rating given by KeyBanc Capital Markets. In Friday, October 12 report Macquarie Research upgraded it to “Outperform” rating and $21 target. On Thursday, October 25 the stock has “Buy” rating by Nomura. On Thursday, January 31 the stock of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) earned “Buy” rating by Nomura. The stock rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley with “Buy” on Thursday, February 21. On Monday, November 26 Deutsche Bank maintained the shares of MSFT in report with “Buy” rating.
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