Diodes Inc’s Sentiment
“Big money sentiment for Diodes Inc (NASDAQ:DIOD) in Q4 2018 decreased to 0.99, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. So its down -0.58, from 2018Q3’s 1.57. 91 investment managers started new and increased positions, while 92 trimmed and sold holdings in Diodes Inc so the sentiment dropped. Funds own 40.49 million shares, up from 38.92 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Diodes Inc in top 10 was flat from 0 to 0 for the same number . 25 Investors Sold All; 67 Reduced Holdings; 60 increased stakes while 31 investment managers bought stakes.
Biggest Diodes Inc Shareholders
As of Q4 2018 Hillcrest Asset Management Llc has 1.87% invested in Diodes Inc. Diodes Inc’s shareholder Horizon Investment Services Llc owns 51,485 shares as of Q4 2018. Piermont Capital Management Inc. reported 65,352 shares. The Connecticut-based fund Pettee Investors Inc. have invested about 0.59% of the investment manager’s stock portfolio in Diodes Inc. The Texas-based fund Vaughan Nelson Investment Management L.P. looks positive on Diodes Inc, owning 894,195 shares.
Diodes Incorporated, together with its subsidiaries, designs, makes, and supplies application-specific standard products in the discrete, logic, and analog and mixed semiconductor markets primarily in Asia, North America, and Europe.The firm is valued at $1.92 billion. It primarily focusses on low pin count semiconductor devices with one or more active or passive components.The P/E ratio is 18.19. The firm offers discrete semiconductor products, such as performance Schottky rectifiers and diodes; Zener diodes, including tight tolerance and low operating current type performance Zener diodes; standard, fast, super-fast, and ultra-fast recovery rectifiers; bridge rectifiers; switching diodes; small signal bipolar and pre-biased transistors; MOSFETs; thyristor surge protection devices; and transient voltage suppressors.
DIOD is reaching $37.11 during the last trading session, after decreased 1.20%.Diodes Incorporated is uptrending after having risen 35.87% since March 11, 2018. DIOD has 394,379 volume or 3.91% up from normal. The stock outperformed the S&P 500 by 31.50%.
Diodes Incorporated (NASDAQ:DIOD)’s earnings release is anticipated by WallStreet on May, 14, according to Faxor. The earnings per share diference is $0.13 or 27.08 % up from last years number. Previous year: $0.48; Analysts forcast: $0.61. If earnings per share of $0.61 is revealed the profit of DIOD could be $31.56 million giving it 15.21 P/E. After $0.65 EPS report previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -6.15 % negative EPS growth of Diodes Incorporated.
Arizona State Retirement System owns 61,098 shs. 4,654 are owned by Sei Investments. Moreover, Ameriprise Inc has 0.01% invested in Diodes Incorporated (NASDAQ:DIOD). Aperio Grp Incorporated Limited Co holds 18,013 shs. Wedge Capital Management L Limited Partnership Nc has 9,536 shs for 0% of their capital. 22,569 were accumulated by Stone Ridge Asset Management Ltd. Principal Fincl holds 0.01% or 331,871 shs. Moreover, Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt has 0.01% invested in Diodes Incorporated (NASDAQ:DIOD) for 13,604 shs. Bridgeway Cap Mgmt Inc accumulated 0.11% or 251,499 shs. 2,942 were reported by Bnp Paribas Arbitrage. Advsr Asset has invested 0% of its capital in Diodes Incorporated (NASDAQ:DIOD). Meeder Asset Mngmt has invested 0% in Diodes Incorporated (NASDAQ:DIOD). Globeflex Ltd Partnership has 3,100 shs. Aqr Capital Mngmt Limited accumulated 22,475 shs. 53,472 are held by Alliancebernstein Lp.
Diodes Incorporated had 7 insider sales and 0 insider buys since November 26, 2018. This’s net activity of $7.46 million. On Thursday, November 29 a trade for 17,486 shs valued at $604,167 was made by LU KEH SHEW.
For more Diodes Incorporated (NASDAQ:DIOD) news published briefly go to: Investorplace.com, Nasdaq.com, Seekingalpha.com, Nasdaq.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “New Strong Buy Stocks for August 27th – Investorplace.com” published on August 27, 2018, “Analysts See 15% Gains Ahead For IGM – Nasdaq” on February 08, 2019, “Diodes Incorporated (DIOD) CEO Keh-Shew Lu on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: November 11, 2018, “Diodes (DIOD) Q4 Earnings Surpass Estimates – Nasdaq” and the last “Bull or Bear: Your Investment Strategy for 2019 – Nasdaq” with publication date: January 04, 2019.
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