During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment decreased to 1.07. That’s change of 1.33, from 2018Q3’s 2.4. 41 investors sold all, 191 reduced holdings as Prologis, Inc. ratio turned negative. 174 increased stakes while 75 funds amassed stakes. Funds hold 579.83 million shares thus 1.83% more from 2018Q3’s 569.42 million shares.
Oppenheimer, New York-based fund reported 38,512 shs. Kcm Inv Advsr Limited Liability Corp holds 0.04% or 10,667 shs. Sweden-based Swedbank has invested 0.56% in Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD). Utah Retirement Systems holds 139,364 shs or 0.19% of its capital. 40,000 are owned by Napier Park Glob Capital (Us) Lp. Lasalle Mngmt Securities Limited Liability invested 2.28% in Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD). Covington Inv holds 0.57% or 25,647 shs. Farmers & Merchants Invs reported 254 shs or 0% of all its holdings. 4,002 were accumulated by First Allied Advisory. Brown Advisory invested 0.02% of its capital in Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD). Natixis Advsr Lp holds 0.07% in Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD) or 118,110 shs. Advisor Prtnrs Ltd Limited Liability Company, California-based fund reported 11,041 shs. Miles Capital holds 22,219 shs. 1.66M were reported by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. Van Eck Associate Corporation reported 149,828 shs or 0.04% of all its holdings.
Dividend of $0.53 to be distribute by Prologis Inc on Mar 29, 2019, according to Faxor. The dividend ex-date is Mar 14, 2019. Prologis Inc has $71.62 current price. The dividend is 0.74 % of it. It has announcement date Feb 21, 2019 and record date Mar 15, 2019. Ticker’s shares touched $71.62 during the last trading session after 0.89% change.Prologis, Inc. has volume of 2.65M shares. Since March 13, 2018 PLD has risen 15.84% and is uptrending. PLD outperformed the S&P 500 by 11.47%.
Prologis Inc. is an independent equity real estate investment trust.The firm is worth $45.95 billion. It invests in the real estate markets across the globe.24.96 is the P/E ratio. The firm engages in the ownership, development, management, and leasing of industrial distribution and retail properties.
Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD) Ratings Coverage
Total analysts of 2 have positions in Prologis (NYSE:PLD) as follows: 2 rated it a “Buy”, 0 with “Sell” and 0 with “Hold”. The positive are 100%. Since December 18, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc Prologis has 5 analyst reports. On Tuesday, December 18 the firm has “Buy” rating given by Deutsche Bank. On Wednesday, February 20 the firm has “Buy” rating by Barclays Capital given.
Another two news for Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD) were recently published by: Benzinga.com on February 26, 2019 with title “Prologis (NYSE:PLD) – FreightWaves Secures $20 Million In Series B Funding From Corporate And Strategic Investors – Benzinga”. The other Globenewswire.com‘s article was titled “Analysis: Positioning to Benefit within Infosys, QUALCOMM, Zayo Group, Prologis, State Street, and Fabrinet — Research Highlights Growth, Revenue, and Consolidated Results – GlobeNewswire” and published on February 25, 2019.
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