KIDMAN RESOURCES LTD ST KILDA VIC ORDINA (OTCMKTS:KDDRF) registered a decrease of 12.87% in short interest. It was announced in March by FINRA the 2.17M short interest on KDDRF. The 2.49 million previous shares are down with 12.87%. 5419 days will cost KDDRF with 400 average volume to restore its former position.
Lastly it traded at $1.Since March 18, 2018 it’s 0.00% up thus . KDDRF underperformed the S&P500 by 4.37%.
Kidman Resources Limited explores and develops precious and base metals deposits in New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, and Northern Territory, Australia.The firm is valued at $384.47 million. The Company’s flagship asset is the Mt Holland Gold & Lithium project located near Southern Cross, in the Archaean Forrestania Greenstone belt of Western Australia.Currently it has negative earnings. The firm also explores for zinc-lead-copper-silver deposits.
There’s an important Kidman Resources Limited (OTCMKTS:KDDRF) news released by It’s an item titled: “Tesla Sees An Undersupply Of Lithium, But Why Don’t You? – Seeking Alpha” on May 29, 2018.
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