YOUNG AUSTRALIAN MINES LTD ORDINARY SHAR (OTCMKTS:MYMNF) Sellers Declined Their Shorts By 4.78% As Of Mar 19, 2019

YOUNG AUSTRALIAN MINES LTD ORDINARY SHAR (OTCMKTS:MYMNF) registered a decrease of 4.78% in short interest. FINRA issued in March MYMNF’s total 39,800 short interest. The 41,800 previous shares are down with 4.78%. Previous MYMNF’s position will need 398 days to restore. It has 100 average volume.

At traded at $0.1 lastly.It’s since March 19, 2018 and is 0.00% down. MYMNF underperformed by 4.37% the S&P500.

Young Australian Mines Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the mining, exploration, evaluation, and development of mineral resources in Australia.The firm is valued at $38.49 million. The firm holds a 100% interest in the White Range copper-gold project located at the south of Cloncurry in Queensland, Australia.Currently it has negative earnings. It also has interests in the Spinifex Ridge iron ore mine and the Spinifex Ridge molybdenum-copper project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

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