Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.51 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.37, from 2018Q3’s 1.14. The ratio increased due to Neogen Corporation positioning: 22 sold and 56 reduced. 40 funds acquired holdings and 78 increased holdings. Investors holded 45.52 million in 2018Q3 but now own 46.16 million shares or 1.41% more.
Virginia Retirement Systems Et Al holds 4,800 shs. Suffolk Mngmt Limited Liability reported 0.06% of its capital in Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG). 414,265 are owned by Pnc Finance Svcs. Family Firm has 0.11% invested in Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG). 68,300 were accumulated by Great West Life Assurance Can. has invested 0.01% of its capital in Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG). Proshare Advsrs Ltd Company, Maryland-based fund reported 8,295 shs. Citigroup Inc holds 0% or 16,426 shs in its capital. Moreover, Fifth Third Bancorporation has 0% invested in Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG) for 8,045 shs. Hsbc Holdings Public Ltd Co invested 0% in Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG). First Interstate Natl Bank has invested 0.03% in Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG). Fdx Advisors Inc owns 4,986 shs. State Street accumulated 0.01% or 1.53M shs. Gamco Inc Et Al reported 21,533 shs stake. Chem National Bank reported 16,572 shs.
Neogen Corporation had 7 sales and 2 insider purchases since September 26, 2018. This’s net activity of $11.20 million. PARNELL JACK C sold $313,233 worth of Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG) on Wednesday, February 6. Shares for $36,685 were bought by Tobin James P on Wednesday, September 26. Shares for $316,394 were bought by ADENT JOHN EDWARD on Wednesday, September 26.
Earnings report for Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG) is expected on March, 26 before the open., according to Faxor. Analysts forecast $0.27 earnings per share, which is $0.05 down or 15.63 % from 2018’s $0.32 earnings per share. If $0.27 is reported, NEOG’s profit will be $14.06M for 59.16 P/E. Wall Street now forecasts -12.90 % negative EPS growth despite Neogen Corporation previous quarter’s EPS of $0.31. The stock decreased 0.13% or $0.08 during the last trading session, reaching $63.89.Currently Neogen Corporation is uptrending after 5.63% change in last March 21, 2018. NEOG has also 142,002 shares volume. NEOG outperformed the S&P 500 by 1.26%.
Neogen Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, develops, makes, and markets various products for food and animal safety worldwide.The company has $3.33 billion market cap. It operates through two divisions, Food Safety and Animal Safety.The P/E ratio is 51.15. The Food Safety segment primarily offers diagnostic test kits and complementary to detect dangerous and/or unintended substances in human food and animal feed, such as foodborne pathogens, spoilage organisms, natural toxins, food allergens, genetic modifications, ruminant by-products, meat speciation, drug residues, pesticide residues, and general sanitation concerns; and AccuPoint Advanced rapid sanitation test for adenosine triphosphate, a chemical found in living cells.
For more Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ:NEOG) news released briefly go to:,, , or The titles are as follows: “Neogen (NEOG) Earnings and Revenues Beat Estimates in Q4 – Nasdaq” released on July 19, 2018, “Neogen (NEOG) Q2 Earnings Beat Estimates – Nasdaq” on December 20, 2018, “Neogen (NEOG) Q1 Earnings Beat Estimates – Yahoo Finance” with a publish date: September 25, 2018, “Neogen Q1 miss pressures shares, down 15% – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Neogen Q2 2018 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: December 19, 2018.
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