Mantech International Corp’s Sentiment
In Q4 2018 Mantech International Corp (NASDAQ:MANT) big money sentiment decreased to 0.98, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. So its down -0.02, from 2018Q3’s 1. 81 investment professionals increased or started new equity positions, while 83 cut down and sold their positions in Mantech International Corp so the sentiment dropped. Funds own 25.00 million shares, up from 23.57 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Mantech International Corp in top 10 was flat from 1 to 1 for the same number . In total 24 funds closed positions, 59 reduced and 59 increased. Also 22 funds bought new Mantech International Corp stakes.
Biggest Mantech International Corp Investors
As of Q4 2018 Rk Capital Management Llc has 3.49% invested in Mantech International Corp. Mantech International Corp’s shareholder Nicholas Investment Partners Lp owns 158,881 shares as of Q4 2018. Further, Earnest Partners Llc reported 1.40 million shares in Mantech International Corp equivalent to 0.8% of its stock exposure. Pier Capital Llc revealed 77,406 shares position in Mantech International Corp. The Missouri-based fund Piermont Capital Management Inc. looks positive on Mantech International Corp, owning 26,331 shares.
ManTech International Corporation provides technologies and solutions for mission-critical national security programs worldwide.The firm is valued at $2.15 billion. It offers cyber security solutions and services.The P/E ratio is 26.26. The firm also designs, develops, integrates, operates, and sustains software applications and systems across defense, intelligence, and federal civilian customers; and provides hardware and software to support the technology infrastructure for specific applications, including IT service management, help desk, data center consolidation, enterprise architecture, mobile computing and device management, network activities and infrastructure, virtualization/cloud computing, network and database administration, enterprise systems development and management, and infrastructure as a service.
Ticker’s shares touched $54.06 during the last trading session after 1.14% change.ManTech International Corporation has volume of 20,987 shares. Since March 21, 2018 MANT has declined 3.01% and is downtrending. MANT underperformed the S&P 500 by 7.38%.
Earnings report for ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT) is anticipated on May, 1., as reported by RTT. Analysts predict 3.92 % diference or $0.53 from the $0.51 EPS from 2018. If $0.53 is reported, MANT’s profit will reach $21.08M for 25.50 P/E. Last quarter $0.50 earnings per share was reported. Analysts forecasts 6.00 % EPS growth this quarter.
Bessemer Gru accumulated 0.01% or 52,237 shs. Art Advsrs reported 6,651 shs stake. Commercial Bank Of Ny Mellon invested in 441,841 shs. Oregon Pub Employees Retirement Fund reported 527,866 shs or 0.01% of all its holdings. Blackrock Incorporated reported 3.99 million shs. Chevy Chase Tru Hldgs stated it has 21,852 shs or 0.01% of all its holdings. Vident Inv Advisory Lc holds 24,835 shs or 0.07% of its capital. Millennium Mgmt Limited Liability Corp holds 4,007 shs. Horizon Kinetics invested in 25,000 shs or 0.04% of the stock. Piedmont Inv Advsr Inc invested in 6,315 shs. Tudor Invest Et Al has invested 0% in ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT). Moreover, Parametric Port Limited Com has 0.01% invested in ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT). Swiss Bank & Trust invested 0% of its capital in ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT). Royal State Bank Of Canada holds 0.01% of its capital in ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT) for 305,782 shs. Next Financial Gru holds 440 shs.
For more ManTech International Corporation (NASDAQ:MANT) news brought out recently go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “ Names ManTech Best Company for Veterans in 2018 – GlobeNewswire” brought out on November 05, 2018, “ManTech International Corporation (MANT) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for March 07, 2019 – Nasdaq” on March 06, 2019, “ManTech declares $0.27 dividend – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: February 20, 2019, “50 Stocks Moving In Thursday’s Mid-Day Session – Benzinga” and the last “ManTech Names Adam Rudo Senior Vice President and General Manager of Security Solutions Business Unit – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: September 27, 2018.
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