Scoutrfp Fundraising
A form D was submitted by Scoutrfp, Inc., Corporation because of $33.58 million equity financing. The date of first sale was 2018-12-06. Scoutrfp sold $33.58 million or 100.00 % of the round of financing.In total it’s $33.58 million. On 2019-03-20 the document was submitted and the reason was: unspecified.
Scoutrfp is based in California. The firm works in the Other Technology business. The person that submitted the form was Andrew Durlak VP of Operations. The company was incorporated in 2014. The filler’s address is: 123 Mission Street, San Francisco, Ca, California, 94105. Stan Garber is the related person in the form and it has address: 123 Mission Street, San Francisco, Ca, California, 94105. Link to Scoutrfp Filing: .
Scoutrfp Offering Details
The startups in the Other Technology sector sell on avg 85.80 % of their offerings size. Scoutrfp have sold 100.00 % so far. Could this mean that the trust in Scoutrfp is high? Also companies in the Other Technology industry have an avg financing size of $1.54 million.And the total raised amount is 2,080.21 % bigger than the average.As for minimum investment it is set at $0.
Form D – advantages and disadvantages
Usually Form D fillings have information that ventures and startups don’t like revealing. More precisely they reveal plans and reasons for funds raising. On other hand this could help understand better your competitors.
Scoutrfp ‘s pluses of Fundraising Reporting
The Form D signed by Andrew Durlak might help Scoutrfp, Inc. as clients feel much more safe to work with a better financed firm. Chances are high that Scoutrfp, Inc. will stay financially sound. There are good PR effects as well as more attention from angels venture-capital, firms and funds.
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