It was registered a decrease on LIGHT ENGINE DESIGN CORP (OTCMKTS:TLED)’s short interest with 10%. FINRA published in March TLED’s total 900 short interest. Previously was reported down change of 10% from 1,000 shares.
At traded at $0.021 lastly.It’s since March 25, 2018 and is 0.00% up. TLED underperformed the S&P500 by 4.37%.
Tall Trees LED Company manufactures and provides light emitting diode lighting solutions for consumer and commercial applications.The firm is worth $2.20 million. The company's products are used in frequency-specific applications, such as horticulture, algae management, and light-delivery and spectrum-sensitive functions, such as wildlife preservation and light pollution reduction.Last it reported negative earnings. The Company’s products are also used for indoor farmers, and small and large operations, as well as niche markets, such as orchids and carnivorous plants.
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