Analysts See $0.29 EPS for Blackbaud, Inc. (BLKB) as of April, 29

Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) Corporate Logo
Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.08 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.01, from 2018Q3’s 1.07. The ratio increased due to Blackbaud, Inc. positioning: 47 sold and 56 reduced. 39 funds bought holdings and 72 increased holdings. Investors holded 50.07 million in 2018Q3 but now own 50.63 million shares or 1.12% more.
Comerica National Bank accumulated 54,358 shs or 0.03% of the stock. Amalgamated Bancshares holds 7,577 shs. Texas Permanent School Fund stated it has 31,783 shs. The Pennsylvania-based Glenmede Tru Na has invested 0% in Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB). Dimensional Fund Advsrs L P stated it has 0.02% of its capital in Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB). Tortoise Invest Mgmt Limited Com owns 150 shs. Ameritas Prtn invested in 18,459 shs or 0.06% of the stock. 18,694 were accumulated by Citigroup. 4,178 are owned by Profund Advisors Ltd Company. Vanguard Gp holds 4.57 million shs or 0.01% of its capital. Moreover, Ny State Common Retirement Fund has 0.06% invested in Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) for 625,840 shs. Tompkins Fin invested in 62 shs. Select Equity Grp Ltd Partnership reported 0% stake. Advisory Lc has invested 0% in Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB). Gemmer Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability Corporation holds 80 shs or 0% of its capital.

Blackbaud, Inc. had 5 sales and 0 insider purchases since November 5, 2018. This’s net activity of $409,008. Another trade for 1,878 shs valued at $130,690 was sold by Nash Sarah E. $76,320 worth of Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) shs were sold by Nelson Joyce.

Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB)’s earnings report is anticipated on April, 29., Faxor reports. The earnings per share diference is $0.19 or 39.58 % down from last years number. Previous year: $0.48; Analysts forcast: $0.29. BLKB’s profit could be $13.72 million if the current earnings per share of $0.29 is accurate. Wall Street forecasts -36.96 % negative EPS growth as of April, 29. BLKB touched $78.82 during the last trading session after $1.09 change.Currently Blackbaud, Inc. is downtrending after 22.93% change in last March 29, 2018. BLKB has 137,322 shares volume. BLKB underperformed by 27.30% the S&P500.

Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) Ratings Coverage

Total analysts of 6 have positions in Blackbaud (NASDAQ:BLKB) as follows: 1 rated it a “Buy”, 0 with “Sell” and 5 with “Hold”. The positive are 17%. Since October 9, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc Blackbaud has 6 analyst reports. On Tuesday, October 9 DA Davidson maintained Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) with “Neutral” rating. On Friday, October 12 the firm earned “Neutral” rating by Robert W. Baird. On Tuesday, October 9 the firm has “Market Perform” rating given by JMP Securities. On Tuesday, October 9 the rating was downgraded by Stifel Nicolaus to “Hold”. On Tuesday, October 9 the firm has “Market Perform” rating given by Raymond James.

Blackbaud, Inc. provides cloud software solutions to nonprofits, foundations, firms, education institutions, healthcare organizations, and other charitable giving entities in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia.The firm is valued at $3.73 billion. It operates in three divisions: General Markets Business Unit, Enterprise Customer Business Unit, and International Business Unit.The P/E ratio is 84.75. The firm offers Raiser's Edge NXT and Blackbaud CRM , which are fundraising and relationship management solutions; Luminate CRM for campaign management, constituent relations, business intelligence, and analytics; eTapestry, a cloud fundraising and donor management solution; and everydayhero, a cloud crowdfundraising solution.

For more Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) news announced briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Blackbaud: Sideways Trading Likely To Persist – Seeking Alpha” announced on September 03, 2018, “Here’s Why Investors Should Offload Blackbaud (BLKB) Stock – Nasdaq” on August 27, 2018, “Why Blackbaud, Inc. Is Getting Crushed Today – Nasdaq” with a publish date: October 09, 2018, “Why Is Blackbaud (BLKB) Up 5.5% Since Last Earnings Report? – Nasdaq” and the last “BLKB Crosses Above Average Analyst Target – Nasdaq” with publication date: February 12, 2019.

Blackbaud, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLKB) Analyst Ratings Chart

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