FIBRA PROLOGIS REIT CTFS MEXICO (OTCMKTS:FBBPF) had a decrease of its short interest by 0.01%. It was issued in April by FINRA the 5.84M short interest on FBBPF. The down change of 0.01% from 5.84 million shares was reported. 204 days will cost FBBPF with 28,700 average volume to recover its former position.
FBBPF touched $1.9364 during the last trading session after $0.0213 change.FIBRA Prologis is after having 0.00% since April 1, 2018. FBBPF has 11,390 volume or 15.31% up from normal. FBBPF underperformed the S&P500 by 4.37%.
FIBRA Prologis, a real estate investment trust, owns and operates industrial real estate properties.The company has $1.24 billion market cap. As of June 30, 2014, it had 177 logistics and manufacturing facilities totaling 29.7 million square feet of gross leasable area in 6 industrial markets in Mexico.The P/E ratio is 8.64.
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