Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc (NYSE:FDP) Shares Shorted Increased By 0.65%

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP) Corporate Logo

Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.87 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.99, from 2018Q3’s 0.88. The ratio increased due to Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. positioning: 10 sold and 29 reduced. 26 funds bought stakes and 47 increased stakes. Investors holded 28.90 million in 2018Q3 but now own 28.89 million shares or 0.04% less.
D E Shaw & holds 0% in Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP) or 9,310 shs. Fmr Ltd Liability Corporation stated it has 7.26 million shs or 0.03% of all its holdings. Dimensional Fund Limited Partnership holds 4.08M shs. Hbk Invs Lp invested 0% in Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP). Bbt Cap Management Limited Liability Company accumulated 18,475 shs or 0.47% of the stock. Us Bank & Trust De has 11,680 shs for 0% of their capital. Aperio Grp Limited Liability Co stated it has 0.01% in Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP). Eqis Capital Management accumulated 15,713 shs. Baker Ellis Asset Mgmt Ltd Limited Liability Company reported 0.21% stake. Alliancebernstein L P, a New York-based fund reported 654,431 shs. Geode Capital Mngmt Limited Com stated it has 331,194 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Benjamin F Edwards holds 0% or 40 shs in its capital. Macquarie Group Ltd has invested 0% in Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP). Commonwealth Fincl Bank Of has invested 0% in Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP). Corecommodity Mngmt Limited Liability Company holds 17,942 shs or 0.43% of its capital.

It was showed an increase on Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc (NYSE:FDP)’s shares shorted with 0.65%. It was announced in April by FINRA the 415,700 shares shorted on FDP. The up change of 0.65% from 413,000 shares was reported. 3 days will cost FDP with 125,500 average volume to recover its previous position. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc float short is 1.37%.

The stock increased 1.04% or $0.28 during the last trading session, hitting $27.31.Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. has volume of 10,229 shares. Since April 1, 2018 FDP has declined 42.34% and is downtrending. FDP underperformed by 46.71% the S&P 500.

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., together with its subsidiaries, produces, markets, and distributes fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables worldwide.The firm is worth $1.32 billion. It offers fresh produce products consisting of bananas, pineapples, melons, tomatoes, grapes, apples, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries, citrus, avocados, blueberries, and kiwi; various vegetables, including potatoes, onions, bell peppers, and cucumbers; and various other fruits, such as strawberries, plantains, and mangos.Last it reported negative earnings. The firm also provides prepared food products comprising prepared fruits and vegetables, juices, other beverages, snacks, poultry, and meat products.

For more Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP) news brought out briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Why Every Millennial Should Pick Up Fresh Del Monte – Seeking Alpha” brought out on April 01, 2018, “Fresh Del Monte Produce: Growing Fruit, Not Profits – Seeking Alpha” on September 01, 2017, “Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (FDP) CEO Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: October 30, 2018, “Fresh Del Monte – Catalysts Are On The Horizon In 2018 – Seeking Alpha” and the last “My Top Food Products Stocks For 2016 – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: January 10, 2016.

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