Shares of The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. (NSE:STCINDIA) last traded at 137.75, representing a move of 0.33%, or 1.2 per share, on volume of 343,581 shares. After opening the trading day at 138.5, shares of The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. traded in a close range. The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. currently has a total float of 60.37 million shares and on average sees 208,710 shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 90.6 and high of 186.5.
BSE & NSE: Driving Indian Economy
The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), the two primary stock exchanges in India representing 4% of the national gross domestic product (GDP), are among the world’s fastest growing and highly anticipated stock exchanges. This indicates that India is a thriving nation that will soon become one of Asia’s best assets.
The 1st Asian Stock Exchange
Established in 1875, the BSE is the first ever stock exchange in India and in Asia. In India, it is the first entity to acquire permanent acknowledgement under the Securities Contract Regulation Act of 1956.
More than a hundred years following its foundation, the BSE is now recognized as the 11th largest stock exchange in the world. The BSE has a market valuation of $1.70 trillion as of January 23, 2015. Moreover, it is also one of the fastest stock exchanges in the world, boasting with a six-microsecond speed.
Measuring the 30 most active stocks on the BSE is the SENSEX 30, which has a base value of 100 with its base date being 1978 to 1979. Companies are tracked based on certain factors such as depth, liquidity, market capitalization, among others.
On July 25, 1990, the BSE first recorded a four-digit figure. When the Bhartiya Janta Party won in the General Elections, the BSE first recorded a 5,000 figure on October 11, 1999. On February 6, 2006, it first recorded a 10,000 figure. On December 11, 2007, it first recorded a 20,000 figure. On March 4, 2015, it first recorded a 30,000 figure.
However, the BSE is not all about those feats. Like any other stock exchanges, it also had its worst days.
In January 2008, the BSE had recorded its biggest fall, losing over 2,000 points in just two consecutive sessions. In August 2015, it had also recorded a huge one-day decline, dropping more than 1,700 points after the Chinese equity market had fallen almost 9%. China is the biggest Asian economy, which is why all Asian markets also suffered from its own downturn. The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. is a stock traded on the Indian stock exchange.
The 1st Electronic Indian Stock Exchange
Founded in 1992, the NSE also takes pride in being a ‘first” it is the first stock exchange in India with electronic capabilities. Currently, Indian Index Services and Products (IISP) own and operate it, supporting roughly 230,000 terminals throughout the country.
Weighing the 50 most active stocks on the NSE is the NIFTY, which has a base value of 1,000 with its base date being 1995. Like BSE stocks, NSE stocks are also measured based on different factors such as market capitalization. The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. has relatively good liquidity.
The NIFTY represents a broader aspect of the corporate sector of India than the SENSEX 30. Regardless, both indices are reliable indicators of the whole Indian economy and national growth prospects as well.
The Asian economy is full of promising potentials. With India being one of the drivers pushing it to the global footprint, it is only reasonable to invest in BSE and NSE stocks today. Professional analysts might be interested how this will affect The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd..
More important recent The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. (NSE:STCINDIA) news were published by: which released: “MMTC, Hindustan Copper among top gainers on BSE – Economic Times” on December 17, 2018, also published article titled: “After Market: Rs 2.63 lakh cr gone; 124 stocks oversold; oil & gas shines – Economic Times”, published: “Ruchi Soya, Shakti Pumps among top gainers on BSE – Economic Times” on December 27, 2018. More interesting news about The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. (NSE:STCINDIA) was released by: and their article: “Mapping the market: Bad hair day for 2-wheeler makers, rail-linked stocks; USL gets a high – Economic Times” with publication date: February 26, 2016.
The State Trading Corporation of India Limited, together with its subsidiary STCL Limited, engages in the trading business worldwide. The company has market cap of INR8.32 billion. The firm exports various products, including wheat, rice, tea, coffee, cashew, extractions, castor oil/seed, sugar, spices, jute goods, iron ore, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, light engineering goods, construction materials, consumer goods, processed foods, textiles, garments, jewelry, leather ware, etc. It currently has negative earnings. It also imports gold, silver, and other precious metals; sugar; edible oils; pulses; fertilizers; mineral and metal ores, such as manganese ore and iron ore; hydro-carbons; petro-chemicals and raw materials; and steam and hard coking coal, and lam and met coke.
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