During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment decreased to 1.55. That’s change of 0.68, from 2018Q3’s 2.23. 18 investors sold all, 53 reduced holdings as Genomic Health, Inc. ratio turned negative. 62 increased stakes while 48 funds bought stakes. Funds hold 32.18 million shares thus 2.77% more from 2018Q3’s 31.31 million shares.
Fmr Ltd stated it has 0% in Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX). Franklin Resource Inc accumulated 0.01% or 354,199 shs. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) holds 0% of its capital in Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) for 1,973 shs. Granahan Inv Mgmt Ma holds 0.6% in Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) or 130,650 shs. Smithfield Trust Commerce holds 100 shs. Jpmorgan Chase & reported 0% stake. Balyasny Asset Management Ltd Liability Corporation stated it has 19,221 shs. State Bank Of Montreal Can reported 25,549 shs. Jacobs Levy Equity Mngmt Inc owns 71,867 shs. Deutsche Fincl Bank Ag holds 0.01% or 312,600 shs. Goldman Sachs Gp, New York-based fund reported 658,036 shs. Los Angeles Cap Equity accumulated 32,791 shs or 0.01% of the stock. Calamos Advsrs Limited Liability Company accumulated 5,840 shs. Moody Financial Bank Division invested 0% in Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX). Clarivest Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability Com, a California-based fund reported 44,672 shs.
Genomic Health, Inc. had 41 selling transactions and 0 insider buys since October 8, 2018. This’s net activity of $171.65 million. 43,500 shs valued at $3.69M were sold by Pla Frederic on Wednesday, November 7. Popovits Kimberly J sold $767,171 worth of stock or 10,000 shs. On Monday, October 8 50,000 shs were sold by Vaughn James J, worth $3.24 million. 10,000 shs were sold by Cohen Fred E, worth $879,262 on Thursday, November 8. On Tuesday, December 11 15,000 shs were sold by Cole G Bradley, worth $1.08M. On Friday, February 1 Shak Steven also sold $3.81 million worth of Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX).
Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) increased significantly to $68.60. It was posted on Apr, 2 according to Barchart.com. It has $2.53 billion market cap. At our $72.72 target, the company worth will be $151.92 million more.
On May, 1. Investors wait Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) to announce its quarterly earnings, Faxor reports. earnings per share of $0.29 is 123.08 % up from 2018’s $0.13 EPS. If earnings per share of $0.29 is announced the profit of GHDX could be $10.70 million giving it 59.14 P/E. Last quarter $0.32 earnings per share was reported. Analysts forecasts -9.38 % negative EPS growth this quarter.
Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) Ratings Coverage
In total 5 analysts cover Genomic Health (NASDAQ:GHDX). “Buy” rating has 2, “Sell” are 1, while 2 are “Hold”. 40% are bullish. 9 are the (NASDAQ:GHDX)’s analyst reports since January 3, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The company rating was maintained by Needham on Thursday, February 21. On Wednesday, February 20 the stock has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity. On Thursday, February 21 the stock of Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) has “Sell” rating given by Barclays Capital. On Thursday, February 21 the stock of Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) earned “Hold” rating by Piper Jaffray. On Thursday, February 21 the stock of Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) has “Hold” rating given by Deutsche Bank.
For more Genomic Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:GHDX) news posted recently go to: Globenewswire.com, Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Streetinsider.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “Report: Exploring Fundamental Drivers Behind ON Semiconductor, Pilgrim’s Pride, Merck & Co., Healthcare Services Group, Genomic Health, and Spectrum Pharmaceuticals — New Horizons, Emerging Trends, and Upcoming Developments – GlobeNewswire” posted on March 25, 2019, “The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: ANI, Kamada, Genomic Health and NewLink – Nasdaq” on April 01, 2019, “4 Small Biotech Stocks Likely to Witness More Upside in 2019 – Nasdaq” with a publish date: March 29, 2019, “Genomic Health (GHDX) Says Data Presented at St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference Reinforce TAILORx Treatment Paradigm and Standard of Care Use for Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score Tes – StreetInsider.com” and the last “Genomic Health Q4 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: February 19, 2019.
Genomic Health, Inc., a healthcare company, provides actionable genomic information to personalize cancer treatment decisions in the United States and internationally.The company has $2.53 billion market cap. It develops and commercializes genomic clinical laboratory services that analyze the underlying biology of cancer, allowing physicians and patients to make individualized treatment decisions.The P/E ratio is 100.88. The firm offers the Oncotype DX invasive breast cancer test that is used for early stage invasive breast cancer patients to predict the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence and chemotherapy benefit.
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