Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SUPN) Increased to $36.44

Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.1 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.30, from 2018Q3’s 0.8. The ratio is positive due to Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. positioning: 29 sold and 76 reduced. 34 funds amassed holdings and 82 increased holdings. Investors holded 48.83 million in 2018Q3 but now own 49.20 million shares or 0.77% more.
Commercial Bank Of Mellon has 1.21M shs for 0.01% of their capital. Moreover, Bridgeway Capital Mgmt has 0.01% invested in Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) for 14,800 shs. Thrivent Fincl For Lutherans invested in 0% or 37,084 shs. Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale reported 0.01% stake. Virginia Retirement Et Al invested in 32,500 shs or 0.01% of the stock. Macquarie Gru Limited owns 747,044 shs. Gsa Capital Prtn Llp holds 8,700 shs. Panagora Asset Mgmt has invested 0.04% of its capital in Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN). 36 are held by Highstreet Asset Mgmt. Ubs Asset Mngmt Americas holds 0% or 167,895 shs. Sei Co stated it has 0.04% of its capital in Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN). D E Shaw And Co accumulated 52,902 shs or 0% of the stock. The Illinois-based Envestnet Asset Management has invested 0% in Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN). Portfolio Solutions Lc stated it has 0% of its capital in Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN). Charles Schwab has 317,688 shs for 0.01% of their capital.

Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) increased to $36.44. On Apr, 2 it was posted by The company has $1.91B MC. The company’s valuation will be $95.35M more at $38.26 price target.

On May, 14. Investors expect Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) to publish its quarterly earnings, as reported by Faxor. Analysts predict 10.20 % diference or $0.44 from the $0.49 EPS from 2018. If SUPN’s EPS is $0.44 the profit will reach $23.03M for 20.70 P/E. After $0.48 EPS report last quarter, Wall Street now predicts -8.33 % negative EPS growth of Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc..

Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) Ratings Coverage

In total 4 analysts cover Supernus Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:SUPN). “Buy” rating has 4, “Sell” are 0, while 0 are “Hold”. (NASDAQ:SUPN) has 100% bullish analysts. 9 are the (NASDAQ:SUPN)’s ratings reports on Apr 2, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Wednesday, February 27 the firm has “Buy” rating by Cantor Fitzgerald given. On Monday, November 12 the rating was maintained by FBR Capital with “Buy”. In Monday, December 17 report Mizuho maintained it with “Buy” rating and $63 target. On Monday, February 25 FBR Capital maintained Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) rating. FBR Capital has “Buy” rating and $65 target. On Wednesday, February 27 the rating was maintained by Mizuho with “Buy”. On Monday, March 4 the firm has “Buy” rating given by FBR Capital.

For more Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) news posted recently go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Supernus Schedules Conference Call to Present Topline Results of Two Phase III Studies for SPN-812 in Children with ADHD – GlobeNewswire” posted on December 05, 2018, “Supernus to Acquire Biscayne Neurotherapeutics Nasdaq:SUPN – GlobeNewswire” on September 13, 2018, “Oversold Conditions For Supernus Pharmaceuticals (SUPN) – Nasdaq” with a publish date: December 19, 2018, “Supernus Pharmaceuticals Becomes Oversold (SUPN) – Nasdaq” and the last “Supernus Pharmaceuticals (SUPN) Investor Presentation – Slideshow – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: March 13, 2019.

Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company, focuses on the development and commercialization of products for the treatment of central nervous system diseases in the United States.The company has $1.91 billion market cap. It offers Oxtellar XR, an extended-release oxcarbazepine for use in the treatment of epilepsy; and Trokendi XR, an extended-release topiramate, which is used for the treatment of epilepsy.The P/E ratio is 17.78. The company's product candidates comprise SPN-810, a molindone hydrochloride that is in Phase III clinical trial for the treatment of impulsive aggression in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ; and SPN-812, a viloxazine hydrochloride, which is in Phase III clinical trial that is used for the treatment of ADHD.

Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUPN) Institutional Investors Chart

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