EMBLEM CORP ORDINARY SHARES CANADA (OTCMKTS:EMMBF) reported a decrease of 74.4% in short interest. It was published in April by FINRA the 5,300 short interest on EMMBF. The 20,700 previous shares are down with 74.4%.
The last price was $1.4.Since April 6, 2018 it’s 0.00% down thus . EMMBF underperformed by 4.37% the S&P500.
Emblem Corp. produces and sells medical cannabis in Canada.The firm is valued at $185.82 million.
For more Emblem Corp. (OTCMKTS:EMMBF) news published briefly go to: Midasletter.com, Seekingalpha.com, Midasletter.com, Investingnews.com or Profitconfidential.com. The titles are as follows: “VIDEO: Emblem Corp (CVE:EMC) on GreenSpace Partnership – Midas Letter” published on August 22, 2018, “Cannabis Stock Analysis #5: Emblem Corporation – Seeking Alpha” on January 22, 2018, “Aleafia Health Inc (CVE:ALEF) Graduation to TSX and Emblem Corp (CVE:EMC) Agreement – Midas Letter” with a publish date: March 14, 2019, “Better Together: Strategic Partnerships in the Cannabis Market – Investing News Network” and the last “Marijuana Stocks: Emblem Stock Is Primed for a Bullish Move – Profit Confidential” with publication date: December 29, 2017.
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