Hiolle Industries S.A. (ALHIO) Dipped -1.4% on Apr 6

Shares of Hiolle Industries S.A. (EPA:ALHIO) last traded at 4.24, representing a move of -1.4%, or -0.06 per share, on volume of 491 shares. After opening the trading day at 4.26, shares of Hiolle Industries S.A. traded in a close range. Hiolle Industries S.A. currently has a total float of 9.17M shares and on average sees 811 shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 3.9 and high of 5.45.

French Stock Market: A European Prowess

France is not just all about the unparalleled gastronomic experience nor the beautiful destinations. It is also acknowledged for being one of Europe’s pride on the economic front. It is also a special market place for Hiolle Industries S.A.. With a thriving corporate sector, France surely has an interesting economy as well.

France’s Equity Market

Euronext Paris, which was formerly known as Paris Bourse, is the main stock exchange in France. It is part of Euronext, a pan-European stock exchange across five European cities including Paris, London, Lisbon, Brussels, and Amsterdam.

Euronext was established on September 22, 2000, creating the first pan-European stock exchange from the merger of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, the Brussels Stock Exchange, and the Paris Bourse in an effort to leverage the European Union (EU) economy. In 2002, the Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa was integrated into the union, further strengthening one of Europe’s biggest stock exchanges.

Developing very quickly it helped many companies like Hiolle Industries S.A. to find their investors. As of the first quarter of 2014, Euronext has a total market capitalization of €1.60 trillion with over 1,000 companies listed on it.

The leading indices on Euronext include PSI 20, Next 150, Euronext 100, CAC 40, BEL 20, AScX, AMX, and AEX.

CAC 40 is the index measuring the 40 most valuable companies listed on Euronext Paris. Unlike the leading index in the US, the Dow Jones Industrial Average— a price-weighted index, CAC 40 is a free-float modified capitalization-weighted index since December 1, 2003. Prior to this, its components are measured based on total market capitalization.

CAC 40 derives its name from an old automation system of Euronext Paris. Its base value of 1,000 has been set on December 31, 1987.

CAC 40 had recorded its all-time high 16 years ago, closing at 6,922.33 on September 4, 2000. It had an intraday high of 6,944.77 during the said session. On the other hand, its all-time low of 893.22 was last seen in January 1988. At present, CAC 40 is trading at around 4,000. And Hiolle Industries S.A. is the part of this trading.

The components of CAC 40 are reviewed and determined every quarter by the Index Steering Committee. The reviews happen every third Friday of March, June, September, and December. Companies listed on Euronext Paris are ranked based on free-float market valuation and share turnover in the 12 months prior. Their weights are limited to 15% during review to prevent the occurrence of index heavyweight. From the top 100 companies, 40 companies will be picked to compose CAC 40.

Trading in France

France has one of the longest regular trading sessions in the world. Trading on Euronext Paris begins at 6:01 a.m. and ends at 7:59 p.m. The movement is in 0.50 increments. Among most brokers, the margin requirement is 2%. Meanwhile, the minimum trade size requirement is an index. Euro is the main currency on Euronext Paris.

France is one of the richest economies in Europe, which is why betting on its growth prospects is an ideal move for investors. CAC 40 lives up to global stock exchange standards that can truly reward meaningful investments. Some of investments go to the Hiolle Industries S.A. directly.

Hiolle Industries operates in the environment and services and railway sectors in France. The company has market cap of 38.89 million EUR. The firm offers traditional industrial business services, such as metal construction, industrial electrical, automatism, mechanical and machining precision, metallurgical control and thermal coating, and plumbing and hydraulic to environmental processes and engineering know-how, as well as engineering, complex industrial facilities commissioning, waste treatment center, production lines, and energy recovery centers. It has a 17.31 P/E ratio. It also makes wired electrical equipment; and offers solutions and custom services for rolling stock and stationary equipment.

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