Positions for Contango Oil & Gas Co (NYSEMKT:MCF)
“Big money sentiment for Contango Oil & Gas Co (NYSEMKT:MCF) in 2018 Q4 decreased to 0.96, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. That’s down -0.04, from 2018Q3’s 1. 24 hedge funds opened new and increased positions, while 25 sold and decreased stock positions in Contango Oil & Gas Co so the sentiment worsened. Funds own 12.70 million shares, up from 10.36 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Contango Oil & Gas Co in top 10 was flat from 0 to 0 for the same number . In total 10 funds closed positions, 15 reduced and 16 increased. Also 8 funds bought new Contango Oil & Gas Co stakes.
Biggest Contango Oil & Gas Co Investors
Prescott Group Capital Management L.L.C. owns 1.25 million shares in Contango Oil & Gas Co as of 2018 Q4. Contango Oil & Gas Co’s shareholder Proxima Capital Management Llc owns 134,520 shares as of 2018 Q4. Moreover, Osmium Partners Llc reported 36,000 shares in Contango Oil & Gas Co equivalent to 0.13% of its long stock exposure. King Luther Capital Management Corp revealed 1.23 million shares position in Contango Oil & Gas Co. The New York-based fund Moore Capital Management Lp holds 300,000 shares or 0.04% of their long stock exposure.
Contango Oil & Gas Company, an independent oil and natural gas company, acquires, explores, develops, exploits, and produces natural gas and crude oil properties in the offshore shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and in the onshore Texas and Wyoming in the United States.The company has $114.77 million market cap. As of December 31, 2016, it had proved reserves of approximately 151.8 billion cubic feet equivalent, including 105.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas, 3.4 million barrels of crude oil and condensate, and 4.4 million barrels of natural gas liquids.Currently it has negative earnings.
MCF is reaching $3.33 during the last trading session, after increased 1.22%.Currently Contango Oil & Gas Company is uptrending after 20.34% change in last April 7, 2018. MCF has 35,404 shares volume. MCF outperformed by 15.97% the S&P 500.
Jpmorgan Chase & has 0% invested in Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSEAMERICAN:MCF). State Bank Of America Corporation De accumulated 358 shs. Millennium Mgmt Limited Liability Company has invested 0% in Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSEAMERICAN:MCF). Wells Fargo & Mn, California-based fund reported 165,123 shs. Farmers Merchants Invests Inc holds 0% or 3,000 shs. Fmr Lc holds 3.58 million shs. Geode Management Ltd Limited Liability Company reported 169,257 shs. State Street accumulated 10,228 shs. Meeder Asset holds 0% of its capital in Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSEAMERICAN:MCF) for 1,707 shs. Morgan Stanley reported 0% stake. Macquarie Group Incorporated invested in 2,200 shs or 0% of the stock. Deutsche Retail Bank Ag reported 95,224 shs stake. Vanguard Gp owns 1.13M shs for 0% of their capital. Engineers Gate Manager Lp reported 42,890 shs. Parametric Assoc Ltd has 28,277 shs.
Contango Oil & Gas Company registered $7.89 million net activity with 10 buys and 0 sales since November 16, 2018.
For more Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSEAMERICAN:MCF) news released recently go to: Globenewswire.com, Marketwatch.com, Globenewswire.com, Businesswire.com or Investorplace.com. The titles are as follows: “Gran Tierra Energy Inc. Announces Operational Update and 2019 Guidance: 12 to 18% Production Growth within Cash Flow – GlobeNewswire” released on December 17, 2018, “10 oil stocks that may eventually stage the biggest rebound – MarketWatch” on November 05, 2014, “Contango Announces Sale of Certain Non-Core Assets – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: April 02, 2018, “Ring Energy Releases Fourth Quarter and Twelve Month 2018 Financial and Operational Results – Business Wire” and the last “Kinder Morgan Inc Is Slowly Recovering From the Oil Bust – Investorplace.com” with publication date: April 09, 2018.
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