$3.20 EPS Expected for Prudential Financial, Inc. (PRU) as of May, 1

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During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment decreased to 0.92. That’s change of 0.30, from 2018Q3’s 1.22. 73 investors sold all, 267 reduced holdings as Prudential Financial, Inc. ratio dived. 228 grew stakes while 85 funds took stakes. Funds hold 260.23 million shares thus 3.81% more from 2018Q3’s 250.69 million shares.
Captrust Finance has invested 0.06% in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). Bb&T Securities Lc has invested 0.06% in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). Kentucky Retirement Tru Fund accumulated 0.17% or 8,169 shs. 2,448 were accumulated by Oakworth Cap Inc. New York State Teachers Retirement System invested 0.15% of its capital in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). Parametrica Mgmt has 2,698 shs for 0.27% of their capital. Trustmark Retail Bank Trust Department stated it has 13,230 shs. Gideon Inc has invested 0.77% of its capital in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). Moreover, Savant Limited Liability Company has 0.1% invested in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). Duncker Streett & invested in 500 shs or 0.01% of the stock. The New York-based Indexiq Advisors Ltd Liability Company has invested 0.15% in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). Patten And Patten Inc Tn holds 0.09% in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU) or 9,155 shs. Ing Groep Nv invested 0.11% in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU). 17,525 were reported by Hall Kathryn A. Ohio-based Strs Ohio has invested 0.09% in Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU).

Prudential Financial, Inc. had 0 selling transactions and 1 insider purchase since December 10, 2018. This’s net activity of $20,883.

On May, 1 WallStreet expected Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU)’s earnings report, Zacks reports. Last year’s earnings per share was $3.08, while now analysts expect change of 3.90 % up from current $3.20 earnings per share. PRU’s profit could be $1.31B if the current earnings per share of $3.20 is accurate. Analysts at Wall Street see Prudential Financial, Inc.’s 31.15 % EPS growth compared to $2.44 earnings per share for previous quarter. PRU reached $98.47 during the last trading session after $1.37 change.Prudential Financial, Inc. is downtrending after having declined 6.93% since April 8, 2018. PRU has 2.38M volume or 7.36% up from normal. PRU underperformed by 11.30% the S&P500.

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU) Ratings Coverage

In total 4 analysts cover Prudential Financial (NYSE:PRU). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. 75% are bullish. 6 are the (NYSE:PRU)’s analyst reports since October 8, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The stock rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley with “Equal-Weight” on Thursday, November 8. The stock rating was upgraded by Evercore to “Outperform” on Wednesday, January 9. In Monday, October 8 report UBS maintained the stock with “Buy” rating.

Prudential Financial, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides insurance, investment management, and other financial services and products in the United States and internationally.The company has $40.21 billion market cap. The firm primarily offers life insurance, annuities, retirement-related, mutual funds, and investment management services and products.10.37 is the P/E ratio. It operates through U.S.

For more Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU) news posted recently go to: Investorplace.com, , Globenewswire.com, Seekingalpha.com or Globenewswire.com. The titles are as follows: “15 Stocks to Buy Leading the Financial Charge – Investorplace.com” posted on April 01, 2019, “Interested In Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU)’s Upcoming US$1.00 Dividend? You Have 2 Days Left – Yahoo Finance” on February 16, 2019, “Whitestone REIT Successfully Completes First Bond Private Placement – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: April 01, 2019, “Prudential Financial declares $1.00 dividend – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Point Raises $122 Million in New Funding – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: March 20, 2019.

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU) Institutional Investors Chart

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