Mitek Systems Inc (NASDAQ:MITK) Q4 2018 Sentiment Reported At 1.37

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“Big money” Positions

In 2018 Q4 Mitek Systems Inc (NASDAQ:MITK) big money sentiment increased to 1.37, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. That’s up 0.15, from 2018Q3’s 1.22. 48 investment managers increased and started new stock positions, while 35 sold and reduced positions in Mitek Systems Inc so the sentiment increased. These funds own 15.99 million shares, that’s up from 15.25 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Mitek Systems Inc in top 10 increased from 1 to 3 for an increase of 2. In total 11 funds closed positions, 24 reduced and 29 increased. Also 19 funds bought new Mitek Systems Inc stakes.

Most Mitek Systems Inc Shareholders

As of 2018 Q4 P.A.W. Capital Corp has 5.83% invested in Mitek Systems Inc. As of 2018 Q4, 462,493 shares of Mitek Systems Inc are owned by S Squared Technology Llc. Domini Impact Investments Llc reported 19,236 shares. The Connecticut-based fund Thomson Horstmann & Bryant Inc have invested about 2.08% of the institutional investor’s stock portfolio in Mitek Systems Inc. The California-based fund Lyon Street Capital Llc holds 145,667 shares or 1.58% of their stock exposure.

Mitek Systems, Inc. develops, markets, and sells mobile capture and identity verification software solutions for enterprise clients worldwide.The company has $461.64 million market cap. The firm applies its patented technology in image capture, correction, and intelligent data extraction in the mobile financial and business services markets.Currently it has negative earnings. The Company’s technology allows users to remotely deposit checks, open accounts, get insurance quotes, and pay bills, as well as verify their identity by taking pictures of various documents with their camera-equipped smartphones and tablets instead of using the device keyboard.

The stock decreased 0.67% or $0.08 during the last trading session, hitting $11.92.Currently Mitek Systems, Inc. is uptrending after 47.21% change in last April 8, 2018. MITK has also 255,028 shares volume. The stock outperformed the S&P 500 by 42.84%.

Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK)’s earnings report is awaited by WallStreet on May, 7, as reported by Faxor. Last year’s EPS was $0.02, while now analysts expect change of 200.00 % down from current $-0.02 EPS. Analysts at Wall Street see Mitek Systems, Inc.’s 0.00 % EPS growth compared to $-0.02 EPS for last quarter.

Harvest Mngmt Ltd Limited Liability Company owns 10,000 shs. 22,845 are held by Arrowstreet Ltd Partnership. Rbf Lc reported 0.02% stake. Price T Rowe Assocs Md reported 26,541 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Stonebridge Capital Advisors Lc holds 14,250 shs. Citadel Advsr Limited Liability Company invested 0% in Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK). Rhumbline Advisers invested 0% of its capital in Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK). M&T Financial Bank Corporation reported 40,000 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Voya Invest Management Lc reported 14,650 shs. Lyon Street Ltd Liability Com holds 1.58% of its capital in Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) for 145,667 shs. Hightower Advsrs Ltd Liability invested 0% of its capital in Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK). Gp One Trading Ltd Partnership owns 15,876 shs for 0% of their capital. New York State Common Retirement Fund invested in 36,500 shs or 0% of the stock. 46,100 were accumulated by Alliancebernstein Limited Partnership. New York-based Prelude Management Llc has invested 0% in Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK).

Mitek Systems, Inc. registered $1.82 million net activity with 0 buys and 10 insider sales since November 16, 2018. On Friday, November 16 Ritter Stephen sold $114,752 worth of Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK). Another trade for 611 shs valued at $5,743 was sold by DAVISON JEFFREY C. On Friday, November 16 Shares for $398,071 were sold by DEBELLO JAMES B. Diamond Michael E also sold $113,866 worth of Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) shs. Marsal Karel J. sold $100,097 worth of Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) on Friday, November 16.

Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) Ratings Coverage

A total of 2 analysts rate Mitek Systems Inc (NASDAQ:MITK) as follows: 2 “Buy”, 0 “Hold” and 0 “Sell”. Тherefore 100% are bullish. The firm has $15 highest and $1200 lowest target. The avg target $14.25 is 19.55% above the last ($11.92) price. (NASDAQ:MITK) has 4 ratings reports on 8 Apr 2019 according to StockzIntelligence. On Tuesday, November 27 Benchmark upgraded Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) to “Buy” rating. In Thursday, March 21 report Roth Capital maintained the stock with “Buy” rating. On Tuesday, March 26 the stock has “Buy” rating by Benchmark.

For more Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) news brought out briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Reuters: Mitek Systems rebuffs takeover approach from Elliott-backed ASG – Seeking Alpha” brought out on October 10, 2018, “Mitek Announces Executive Transitions Nasdaq:MITK – GlobeNewswire” on August 27, 2018, “Mitek enables ANNA Money to increase new customer acquisition by 25% in 3 months – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: January 09, 2019, “Mitek rejects ASG Technologies offer – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Report: Exploring Fundamental Drivers Behind Wix, Zillow Group, AllianceBernstein Holding, Mitek, Fonar, and Covenant Transportation Group — New Horizons, Emerging Trends, and Upcoming Developments – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: February 05, 2019.

Mitek Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:MITK) Institutional Investors Chart

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