Trigran Investments INC Stake in Monotype Imaging Holdings In (TYPE) Increased by $15.14 Million; Shares Rose

Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE) Corporate LogoBig Money Sentiment increased to 1.82 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.06, from 2018Q3’s 1.76. The ratio is positive due to TYPE positioning: 9 sold and 36 reduced. 28 funds amassed positions and 54 increased positions. Investors holded 36.64 million in 2018Q3 but now own 36.99 million shares or 0.96% more. Ameritas Prns Inc has invested 0% in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE). Robeco Institutional Asset Mgmt Bv invested 0% in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE). Federated Investors Incorporated Pa holds 0% or 2,325 shs in its capital. Element Capital Ltd Liability stated it has 0.01% in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE). Los Angeles Capital Mngmt & Equity Incorporated owns 0.03% invested in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE) for 259,848 shs. 25,809 are owned by Citigroup. Spark Management Ltd Com invested in 108,100 shs. Gsa Capital Prns Llp reported 0.02% in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE). Bluemountain Capital Mngmt Ltd Co reported 22,171 shs. Lapides Asset Management Ltd Liability Com holds 0.53% in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE) or 85,000 shs. Axa owns 32,900 shs for 0% of their capital. Credit Suisse Ag owns 29,541 shs or 0% of their US capital. State Street accumulated 0% or 1.20M shs. Millennium Mngmt Limited Liability Corp holds 0.01% or 371,326 shs in its capital. California State Teachers Retirement Systems stated it has 0% of its capital in Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE).

The stake In Monotype Imaging Holdings In (TYPE) was rose owned by Trigran Investments Inc. According to 2018Q4 Securities and Exchange filling the reduction is 38%. The company’s stock rose 14.33% with the market as Trigran Investments Inc bought 1.01M shares. The edp services company announced $56.87 million value for the 2018Q4. Now the hedge fund is holding 3.66 million shares, compared to the 2.66 million from the previous quarter. For a total of shares it reduced its holding in by shares in the quarter, and has cut its stake in .

For more Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE) news announced recently go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Zogenix Receives Refusal to File Letter from US Food and Drug Administration for FINTEPLA® New Drug Application – Nasdaq” announced on April 08, 2019, “Valeritas’ V-Go® Wearable Insulin Delivery Device Demonstrates 24% Reduction in Total Daily Insulin Dosage and Lower A1C Compared to Standard Insulin Treatment – Nasdaq” on April 08, 2019, “Corbus Pharmaceuticals Appoints Rachelle Jacques to Board of Directors – Nasdaq” with a publish date: April 08, 2019, “London’s FTSE 100 dips, industrials weak after Boeing 737 output cut – Nasdaq” and the last “Tabcorp Launches Merged Pools, Powered by Nasdaq’s Longitude Technology – Nasdaq” with publication date: March 27, 2019.

Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:TYPE) Institutional Investors Chart

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