Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (EARN) Analysts See $0.34 EPS on May, 2

During Q4 2018 the big money sentiment increased to 1.1. That’s change of 0.29, from 2018Q3’s 0.81. 6 investors sold all, 14 reduced holdings as Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT ratio increased. 12 rose stakes while 10 funds bought stakes. Funds hold 7.78 million shares thus 2.87% more from 2018Q3’s 7.57 million shares.
Invesco Ltd holds 52,587 shs. California Pub Employees Retirement System reported 29,284 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Price T Rowe Assocs Md reported 0% in Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN). West Family Invests Inc invested in 36,573 shs or 0.1% of the stock. Vanguard Grp stated it has 694,259 shs. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited Liability Company stated it has 10,227 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Blackrock, a New York-based fund reported 306,204 shs. Weiss Asset Mngmt L P reported 105,747 shs stake. Tower Rech Cap Ltd Llc (Trc) invested in 0% or 333 shs. Goldman Sachs Grp Inc holds 0% in Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN) or 35,243 shs. Morgan Stanley holds 0% or 94,277 shs. Parametric Port Assoc has 40,906 shs for 0% of their capital. Geode Management Ltd Liability has 0% invested in Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN) for 57,701 shs. Blackstone Gp L P invested 0.18% in Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN). 12,380 are held by Cambridge Inv Research.

Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT had 0 sales and 3 insider buys since November 13, 2018. This’s net activity of $1.06 million.

On May, 2 is awaited Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN)’s earnings report, RTT reports. Analysts predict $0.34 earnings per share, which is $0.00 or 0.00 % from 2018’s $0.34 earnings per share. If $0.34 is reported, EARN’s profit will hit $4.24 million for 8.71 P/E. Wall Street forecasts 6.25 % EPS growth as of May, 2. The stock increased 0.42% or $0.05 during the last trading session, hitting $11.84.Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT has volume of 36,103 shares. Since April 9, 2018 EARN has risen 10.40% and is uptrending. EARN outperformed the S&P 500 by 6.03%.

Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT, a real estate investment trust, specializes in acquiring, investing in, and managing residential mortgage-and real estate-related assets.The company has $147.61 million market cap. It acquires and manages residential mortgage-backed securities , including agency pools and agency collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs); and non-agency RMBS comprising non-agency CMOs, such as investment grade and non-investment grade.Last it reported negative earnings. The firm has elected to be taxed as a real estate investment trust.

For more Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN) news announced recently go to: Nasdaq.com, Fool.ca, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com or Foxbusiness.com. The titles are as follows: “A Unique Way To Earn Rental Income – Nasdaq” announced on March 25, 2019, “Retirees: 3 Top Dividend Stocks to Buy Now – The Motley Fool Canada” on April 04, 2019, “4 Must-Own Dividend Growth Stocks – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: March 12, 2019, “TD Bank – One Investment To Retire On – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Is AT&T the Next Disney or Comcast? – Fox Business” with publication date: April 08, 2019.

Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN) Institutional Investors Chart

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