LCI Industries (LCII) Is Forming Inverse Head & Shoulders Chart Pattern at $90.04

With $96.34 [Target] LCI Industries (LCII) formed a Head and Shoulders Inversechart pattern. That’s 7.00 % above today’s $90.04 stock price. The stock has $2.24B market cap. On Apr, 13 the Head and Shoulders Inverse chart pattern was featured by At our $96.34 PT, the company worth will be $156.73M more.

The stock increased 2.66% or $2.33 during the last trading session, touching $90.04.LCI Industries has volume of 214,514 shares. Since April 13, 2018 LCII has declined 22.04% and is downtrending. LCII underperformed by 26.41% the S&P 500.

On May, 3 is awaited LCI Industries (NYSE:LCII)’s earnings report, according to Zacks. Analysts predict $1.46 earnings per share. That’s $0.40 down or 21.51 % from 2018’s earnings of $1.86. If reported the P/E will be 15.42 with $36.31 million profit. Last quarter $0.82 earnings per share was reported. Analysts forecasts 78.05 % EPS growth this quarter.

For more LCI Industries (NYSE:LCII) news posted briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “RV stocks mixed after industry data released – Seeking Alpha” posted on February 25, 2019, “RV industry expected to see drop in 2019 – Seeking Alpha” on November 27, 2018, “LCI Industries Acquires RV Parts Maker Metallarte For $16.8 Million – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: July 03, 2017, “LCI Industries (LCII) to acquire Smoker Craft, Inc. –” and the last “RV sector in reverse on shipments concerns – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: July 23, 2018.

LCI Industries (NYSE:LCII) Analyst Ratings Chart

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