As of April, 25 Vocera Communications, Inc. (VCRA) Analysts See $-0.39 EPS

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Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.64 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.67, from 2018Q3’s 0.97. The ratio is positive due to Vocera Communications, Inc. positioning: 8 sold and 37 reduced. 28 funds amassed holdings and 46 increased holdings. Investors holded 31.40 million in 2018Q3 but now own 33.33 million shares or 6.15% more.
California Public Employees Retirement Systems holds 6,304 shs. Geode Ltd Liability Company reported 322,983 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Point72 Asset Mgmt Lp invested 0.01% of its capital in Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA). Art Limited Liability Company invested 0.01% of its capital in Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA). Alliancebernstein L P accumulated 0.05% or 1.56M shs. Bridgeway Cap Mngmt Incorporated has 20,700 shs. Oberweis Asset Mngmt accumulated 33,314 shs. Conestoga Capital Advsrs Ltd Liability Corp holds 2.31% in Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) or 1.84M shs. C World Group Holding A S reported 35,013 shs. Regions Fincl Corp holds 0% in Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) or 5,614 shs. Tiverton Asset Mngmt Llc holds 198,008 shs. Wesbanco Savings Bank holds 46,063 shs. Grp reported 0% of its capital in Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA). United Service Automobile Association holds 7,056 shs or 0% of its capital. Blackrock has 0% invested in Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) for 2.20M shs.

Vocera Communications, Inc. registered $5.50 million net activity with 0 buys and 15 sales since October 29, 2018. LANG BRENT D. had sold 10,000 shs worth $352,989 on Wednesday, November 7. Shares for $70,320 were sold by Carlen Douglas Alan on Thursday, November 15. O’KEEFE SHARON sold $152,000 worth of Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) on Tuesday, November 27. On Friday, December 7 1,500 shs were sold by JANZEN HOWARD E, worth $59,416. The insider HILLEBRAND JEFF sold 4,200 shs worth $162,237. Another trade for 38,929 shs valued at $1.36M was sold by McMullen John N.

On April, 25 WallStreet anticipated Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA)’s earnings release, according to Faxor. The EPS diference is $0.27 or 225.00 % down from last years number. Previous year: $-0.12; Analysts forcast: $-0.39. The stock increased 1.42% or $0.44 during the last trading session, hitting $31.42.Currently Vocera Communications, Inc. is uptrending after 23.43% change in last April 15, 2018. VCRA has 77,804 shares volume. VCRA outperformed by 19.06% the S&P500.

Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) Ratings Coverage

In total 4 analysts cover Vocera Communications (NYSE:VCRA). “Buy” rating has 2, “Sell” are 0, while 2 are “Hold”. (NYSE:VCRA) has 50% bullish analysts. 9 are the (NYSE:VCRA)’s ratings reports on Apr 15, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The company rating was maintained by Jefferies on Wednesday, February 27. On Monday, March 11 the firm has “Buy” rating by Cantor Fitzgerald given. On Wednesday, December 19 the stock of Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) earned “Buy” rating by Citigroup. On Friday, February 8 the rating was downgraded by Citigroup to “Neutral”. The stock rating was downgraded by Chardan Capital Markets to “Neutral” on Monday, February 11.

Vocera Communications, Inc. provides secure, integrated, and intelligent communication and workflow solutions that empowers mobile workers in healthcare, hospitality, energy, and other mission-critical mobile work environments in the United States and internationally.The firm is valued at $967.89 million. The company??s communication solution could be integrated with other clinical systems, including electronic health records, nurse call systems, and patient monitoring, as well as to provide critical data, alerts, alarms, and clinical context that enable workflow.Currently it has negative earnings. It also offers Vocera Communication System, a software platform, which connects communication devices, including hands-free, wearable, voice-controlled communication badges, and third-party mobile devices.

More recent Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) news were published by, and The first one has “Vocera beats in Q3 with broad revenue growth – Seeking Alpha” as a title and was published on October 25, 2018. The next is “Vocera -19.7% amid weak guidance, analyst cuts – Seeking Alpha” on February 08, 2019. And last was published on April 11, 2019, called “Vocera Announces Plans to Add Julie Iskow and Bharat Sundaram to Its Board of Directors – Business Wire”.

Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA) Institutional Investors Chart

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