Positions for Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae (FNMA)
“Big money sentiment for Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae (FNMA) in Q4 2018 decreased to 0.4, SEC filings reveal. That’s down -1.27, from 2018Q3’s 1.67. 2 institutional investors started new and increased holdings, while 5 sold and decreased stakes in Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae so the sentiment has dropped. Funds own 165,067 shares, down from 1.34 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae in top 10 was flat from 0 to 0 for the same number . In total 4 funds closed positions, 1 reduced and 0 increased. Also 2 funds bought new Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae stakes.
Most Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae Shareholders
Eubel Brady & Suttman Asset Management Inc owns 22,200 shares in Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae as of Q4 2018. Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae’s shareholder Interocean Capital Llc owns 52,000 shares as of Q4 2018. In addition, Capwealth Advisors Llc reported 10,000 shares in Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae equivalent to 0% of its portfolio. The New York-based fund Edge Wealth Management Llc have invested about 0% of the fund’s stock portfolio in Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae. The Pennsylvania-based fund Glenmede Trust Co Na looks positive on Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae, owning 350 shares.
Federal National Mortgage Association provides liquidity and stability support services for the mortgage market in the United States.The firm is worth $15.09 billion. It securitizes mortgage loans originated by lenders into Fannie Mae mortgage-backed securities .The P/E ratio is 4.61. The firm operates through two divisions, Single-Family and Multifamily.
The stock decreased 2.23% or $0.06 during the last trading session, hitting $2.63.Federal National Mortgage Association has volume of 1.64M shares. Since April 15, 2018 FNMA has 0.00% and is . The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 4.37%.
Rhumbline Advisers, Massachusetts-based fund reported 68,075 shs. 350 were reported by Glenmede Tru Comm Na. Moreover, Interocean Cap Lc has 0.01% invested in Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCMKTS:FNMA) for 52,000 shs. Winch Advisory Service Limited Liability Company reported 442 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Edge Wealth Management Ltd Liability Corporation stated it has 0% of its capital in Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCMKTS:FNMA). Eubel Brady Suttman Asset Mngmt invested in 0.01% or 22,200 shs. Capwealth Advsr Ltd has 0% invested in Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCMKTS:FNMA) for 10,000 shs.
For more Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCMKTS:FNMA) news announced briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Fool.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com or Foxbusiness.com. The titles are as follows: “Freddie Mac Has Paid It Back And Fannie Mae Is On Its Way – Seeking Alpha” announced on May 11, 2017, “Why Shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Jumped on Tuesday – Motley Fool” on January 08, 2019, “GSE Investors Wait For Watt To Leave FHFA – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: December 20, 2018, “Fannie Mae starts eighth sale of reperforming loans – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Treasury unveils ‘fix’ for restoring Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac – Fox Business” with publication date: April 30, 2018.
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