Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Decreased Stake in Lyondellbasell Industries N Shs (LYB) by $5.01 Million; Shares Declined

LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) Corporate LogoBig Money Sentiment decreased to 0.81 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.23, from 2018Q3’s 1.04. The ratio dived due to LYB positioning: 72 sold and 261 reduced. 74 funds acquired stakes and 196 increased stakes. Investors holded 268.84 million in 2018Q3 but now own 271.23 million shares or 0.89% more. Daiwa Sb Investments Ltd accumulated 2,460 shs or 0.05% of the stock. Cambridge Investment Rech Incorporated reported 28,901 shs. Pinebridge Invests Limited Partnership accumulated 315,711 shs. 510,970 are owned by Aperio Grp Ltd Limited Liability Company. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department owns 0.14% invested in LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) for 307,613 shs. Delta Asset Management Ltd Company Tn holds 0.01% or 400 shs. Los Angeles Cap Management & Equity Research Incorporated reported 0.14% stake. Gru Inc holds 1.45% or 4.25 million shs. Mark Sheptoff Fincl Planning Lc holds 0.06% or 900 shs. Palladium Partners Limited Liability Co, Virginia-based fund reported 30,432 shs. Northern Tru invested in 0.12% or 4.99M shs. Pictet Cie (Europe), a Luxembourg-based fund reported 3,060 shs. Westpac Bk has invested 0% in LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB). Rbf Cap Ltd Llc owns 20,000 shs for 0.22% of their capital. Adage Cap Grp Ltd Liability Com has invested 0.03% in LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB).

LYB registered $483.83 million net activity with 4 buys and 0 selling transactions since November 1, 2018. 5,000 shs were bought by Buchanan Robin W.T., worth $443,150 on Thursday, December 6.

In 2018Q4 Securities and Exchange filling is reported Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s holdings in Lyondellbasell Industries N Shs (LYB) which was decreased by 7.24%. 60,400 shares were sold by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board as the company’s stock declined 7.52% while stock markets rallied. The institutional investor is holding 773,458 shares, compared to the 833,858 from the previous quarter. And the reported value of the major chemicals company is $64.32M for the 2018Q4. $33.87B is the MC of Lyondellbasell Industries N Shs. LYB is hitting $91.46 during the last trading session, after decreased 0.82%.LyondellBasell Industries N.V. has volume of 1.10M shares. Since April 16, 2018 LYB has declined 21.30% and is downtrending. LYB underperformed the S&P 500 by 25.67%.

According to a filing the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s stake in Tupperware Brands Corp Com (NYSE:TUP) was increased by 186,500 shares to 195,900 shares valued at $6.18 million in 2018Q4. It operates about $44.88 billion US Long portfolio. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has risen its stake in Pbf Energy Inc Cl A (NYSE:PBF) and also increased its holding in Micron Technology Inc Com (NASDAQ:MU) by 169,409 shares in the quarter, for a total of 387,267 shares.

LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) is awaited to report earnings on April, 26., RTT reports. Analysts expect change of 26.05 % or $0.81 from previous year’s $3.11 earnings per share compared to current’s $2.30 earnings per share. LYB’s profit could be $851.75M if the current earnings per share of $2.30 is accurate. Last quarter $1.83 earnings per share was reported. Analysts forecasts 25.68 % EPS growth this quarter.

For more LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) news posted recently go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Lyondell’s Houston refinery lifting production as Ship Channel improves – Seeking Alpha” posted on April 05, 2019, “Lanny’s Stock Purchase Through March 31 – Seeking Alpha” on April 12, 2019, “Upper Houston Channel reopened after spill; four refineries still affected – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: March 26, 2019, “Time To Buy LyondellBasell – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Benzinga’s Top Upgrades, Downgrades For April 15, 2019 – Benzinga” with publication date: April 15, 2019.

LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) Ratings Coverage

A total of 5 analysts rate LyondellBasell Industries (NYSE:LYB) as follows: 4 “Buy”, 1 “Hold” and 0 “Sell”. Тherefore 80% are bullish. (NYSE:LYB) has 12 ratings reports on Apr 16, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence. The stock rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets with “Market Perform” on Thursday, November 1. On Wednesday, October 31 the stock of LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) earned “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank. On Friday, November 2 HSBC upgraded the shares of LYB in report to “Buy” rating. On Tuesday, February 5 the rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets with “Market Perform”. The stock rating was upgraded by RBC Capital Markets to “Outperform” on Tuesday, November 20. In Wednesday, October 31 report Nomura maintained it with “Neutral” rating and $102 target. On Monday, April 15 the rating was upgraded by Nomura to “Buy”. On Monday, December 17 the stock of LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) earned “Buy” rating by Deutsche Bank.

LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) Analyst Ratings Chart

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