During Q3 2018 the big money sentiment increased to 1.42. That’s change of 0.43, from 2018Q2’s 0.99. 22 investors sold all, 103 reduced holdings as UGI Corporation ratio improved. 118 rose positions while 60 funds amassed positions. Funds hold 132.46 million shares thus 0.34% less from 2018Q2’s 132.91 million shares.
Ny State Common Retirement Fund holds 0.03% or 481,750 shs. Amer Century Companies Inc reported 0.01% of its capital in UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI). First Bank & Of Newtown stated it has 3,708 shs. Rmb Mgmt Lc invested 0.15% of its capital in UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI). Stratos Wealth Prtn holds 1,187 shs or 0% of its capital. California Employees Retirement System has invested 0.05% in UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI). Spirit Of America Mngmt New York invested in 122,000 shs. Boston Family Office Limited Com accumulated 0.04% or 7,500 shs. Amer Int Group invested in 0.07% or 359,197 shs. State Street reported 0.04% stake. Martingale Asset Management Lp has 835,159 shs. Cannell Peter B And Com Incorporated accumulated 3,893 shs. Bragg Inc invested 0.65% of its capital in UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI). 10.51 million were reported by Wellington Management Gp Llp. Citadel Advisors Ltd Liability has invested 0% in UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI).
UGI Corporation had 5 sales and 0 insider purchases since August 20, 2018. This’s net activity of $7.22 million. On Friday, November 16 Walsh John L sold $4.98M worth of UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI) or 87,500 shs. Shares for $999,196 were sold by Hartz Joseph L. on Monday, August 20. Kelly Ann P sold $545,017 worth of stock. The insider Bort M Shawn sold 9,184 shs worth $525,600.
UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI) Ratings Coverage
In total 2 analysts cover UGI (NYSE:UGI). “Buy” rating has 0, “Sell” are 1, while 1 are “Hold”. (NYSE:UGI) has 0 bullish analysts. 2 are the (NYSE:UGI)’s ratings reports on Jan 31, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The company rating was downgraded by UBS on Friday, December 14. On Friday, October 12 the stock of UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI) earned “Underweight” rating by Barclays Capital. Listed here are UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI) PTs and latest ratings.
14/12/2018 Broker: UBS Old Rating: Buy New Rating: Neutral Old Target: $65 New Target: $63 Downgrade
12/10/2018 Broker: Barclays Capital Old Rating: Underweight New Rating: Underweight Old Target: $50 New Target: $53 Maintain
The stock increased 0.73% or $0.41 during the last trading session, reaching $56.66.Currently UGI Corporation is uptrending after 18.37% change in last January 31, 2018. UGI has 156,394 shares volume. UGI outperformed the S&P500 by 18.37%.
UGI Corporation distributes, stores, transports, and markets energy products and related services in the United States and internationally.The company has $9.85 billion market cap. It distributes propane to approximately 1.9 million residential, commercial/industrial, motor fuel, agricultural, and wholesale clients in 50 states through 1,900 propane distribution locations; and sells, installs, and services propane appliances, including heating systems.13.96 is the P/E ratio. The firm also distributes liquid petroleum gas to residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, resale, and automobile fuel clients for heating, cooking, motor fuel, leisure, construction work, manufacturing, crop and grain drying, power generation, and irrigation activities; and provides logistic, storage, and other services to third-party LPG distributors.
A couple more UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI) news were announced by: Businesswire.com which released on January 22, 2019 “AmeriGas Appoints Ann P. Kelly Chief Financial Officer; UGI Appoints Laurie A. Bergman Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Corporate Controller – Business Wire”, also Businesswire.com on January 10, 2019 announced “UGI Corporation to Hold 1QFY19 Earnings Conference Call and Webcast on Wednesday, February 6 – Business Wire”, the next Seekingalpha.com is “UGI Corporation Offers Above-Average Utility Earnings Growth From Its Unique Segment Mix – Seeking Alpha” on September 04, 2018. Globenewswire.com has article titled “SJI Announces Sale of Retail Gas Assets to UGI – GlobeNewswire”.
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