$-0.24 EPS Expected for Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (PEIX) on February, 27

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During 2018 Q3 the big money sentiment decreased to 0.49. That’s change of 0.33, from 2018Q2’s 0.82. 18 investors sold all, 27 reduced holdings as Pacific Ethanol, Inc. ratio worsened. 17 grew stakes while 5 funds took stakes. Funds hold 27.30 million shares thus 4.65% less from 2018Q2’s 28.63 million shares.
Hightower Advsrs Limited Liability reported 3.89 million shs. Dimensional Fund Advsrs Ltd Partnership holds 0% or 3.39 million shs. Washington Trust Retail Bank invested in 1 shs or 0% of the stock. Rr Advsrs Lc reported 174,000 shs stake. Meeder Asset owns 0% invested in Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEIX) for 5,058 shs. Citigroup Inc owns 0% invested in Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEIX) for 8,726 shs. Tower Research Cap Ltd Liability Co (Trc), New York-based fund reported 16,885 shs. Franklin Res has 686,200 shs for 0% of their capital. Foundry Ptnrs Ltd Liability Corp reported 0.08% in Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEIX). Ameriprise, a Minnesota-based fund reported 2.02 million shs. Panagora Asset reported 0% stake. Pnc Financial Svcs Gp reported 1 shs. Fuller Thaler Asset Incorporated holds 927,129 shs or 0.02% of its capital. Group Inc Incorporated One Trading L P invested in 22,631 shs or 0% of the stock. D E Shaw owns 21,183 shs.

On February, 27 WallStreet anticipated Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEIX)’s earnings report, RTT reports. Last year’s EPS was $-0.32, while now analysts expect change of 25.00 % up from current $-0.24 EPS. Last quarter $-0.18 EPS was reported. Analysts predicts 33.33 % negative EPS growth this quarter. The stock decreased 5.88% or $0.08 during the last trading session, hitting $1.28.Currently Pacific Ethanol, Inc. is downtrending after 65.98% change in last February 1, 2018. PEIX has also 373,072 shares volume. The stock underperformed the S&P500 by 65.98%.

Pacific Ethanol, Inc. produces and markets low-carbon renewable fuels in the United States.The firm is valued at $58.52 million. The firm operates through two divisions, Production and Marketing.Last it reported negative earnings. It produces and markets ethanol; and co-products, such as wet distillers grains, dry distillers grains with solubles, wet and dry corn gluten feed, condensed distillers solubles, corn gluten meal, corn germ, corn oil, distillers yeast, and CO2, as well as markets ethanol produced by third parties.

For more Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEIX) news released briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com or Benzinga.com. The titles are as follows: “Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (PEIX) CEO Neil Koehler on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” released on November 01, 2018, “Will California Carbon Credits Help Reverse The Slide Of Pacific Ethanol Shares? – Seeking Alpha” on July 09, 2018, “Pacific Ethanol to Sell CO2 From Its Stockton California Plant – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: March 07, 2018, “Pacific Ethanol to Release Third Quarter 2018 Results – GlobeNewswire” and the last “10 Hottest Stocks Today, October 9, 2018 (AGRX)(ALT)(CLDC)(GEVO)(IGC)(NBEV)(PEIX)(PYX)(TLRY)(TSLA) – Benzinga” with publication date: October 09, 2018.

Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEIX) Institutional Investors Chart

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