4.67% More Sirius XM Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:SIRI) Shares Shorted

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During 2018 Q3 the big money sentiment increased to 1.25. That’s change of 0.10, from 2018Q2’s 1.15. 38 investors sold all, 114 reduced holdings as Sirius XM Holdings Inc. ratio is positive. 113 rose holdings while 77 funds amassed holdings. Funds hold 741.01 million shares thus 6.98% less from 2018Q2’s 796.60 million shares.
Toronto Dominion Bank & Trust accumulated 200,174 shs. Prudential Inc stated it has 0% in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). Cobblestone Cap Advsrs Ltd Llc Ny reported 0.1% of its capital in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). Aqr Management Ltd Company holds 0.01% or 833,250 shs. Livforsakringsbolaget Skandia Omsesidigt has invested 0.01% in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). Arrowstreet L P stated it has 0.59% in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). California-based Lpl Lc has invested 0% in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). Taurus Asset Ltd Liability Co, a New York-based fund reported 10,200 shs. Profund Advsr Llc has invested 0.08% in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). Chicago Equity Prtn Ltd Liability Co reported 488,180 shs. Sg Americas Limited Liability Corporation accumulated 1.14 million shs. Northstar Grp Incorporated holds 43,000 shs. Tower Rech Cap Lc (Trc) invested 0% in Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI). North Star Investment Mgmt invested in 250 shs. Endurance Wealth Mngmt accumulated 8,400 shs.

Change of 4.67% for Sirius XM Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:SIRI)’s shares shorted was showed. FINRA announced shares shorted of SIRI’s total 202.45 million shares. The up change of 4.67% from 193.42 million shares was reported. 8 days will cost SIRI with 26.81 million average volume to restore its former position. Float short on Sirius XM Holdings Inc is 17.16%.

The stock increased 1.86% or $0.11 during the last trading session, hitting $6.03.Sirius XM Holdings Inc. has volume of 21.07 million shares. Since February 16, 2018 SIRI has risen 10.12% and is uptrending. SIRI outperformed by 10.12% the S&P 500.

Sirius XM Holdings Inc. provides satellite radio services in the United States.The firm is valued at $28.57 billion. The firm broadcasts music plus sports, entertainment, comedy, talk, news, traffic, and weather programs, including various music genres ranging from rock, pop and hip-hop to country, dance, jazz, Latin, and classical; live play-by-play sports from principal leagues and colleges; multitude of talk and entertainment channels for various audiences; national, international, and financial news; and limited run channels.23.19 is the P/E ratio. It also streams music and non-music channels over the Internet; and offer applications to allow clients to access its Internet radio service on smartphones, tablets, computers, home devices, and other consumer electronic equipment.

Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI) Ratings Coverage

In total 3 analysts cover Sirius XM Holdings (NASDAQ:SIRI). “Buy” rating has 2, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. (NASDAQ:SIRI) has 67% bullish analysts. 3 are the (NASDAQ:SIRI)’s ratings reports on Feb 16, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. In Tuesday, September 25 report Credit Suisse downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating. On Monday, January 28 the company was upgraded by Buckingham Research. In Wednesday, January 2 report JP Morgan upgraded the stock to “Overweight” rating.

For more Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI) news published briefly go to: Nasdaq.com, Fool.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “Will Pandora Vote in Favor of the Sirius XM Deal Next Week? – Nasdaq” published on January 24, 2019, “Why Sirius XM Holdings Stock Fell 11% Last Month – The Motley Fool” on October 04, 2018, “Sirius XM’s Hidden Growth Center – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: January 07, 2019, “Santa Claus, Christmas And Sirius XM – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Here’s What to Expect From Sirius XM’s (SIRI) Q4 Earnings – Nasdaq” with publication date: January 28, 2019.

Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI) Analyst Ratings Chart

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