$-0.08 EPS Expected for Boise Cascade Company (BCC) on February, 25

Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC) Corporate Logo
During Q3 2018 the big money sentiment increased to 1.7. That’s change of 0.43, from 2018Q2’s 1.27. 22 investors sold all, 54 reduced holdings as Boise Cascade Company ratio increased. 81 increased positions while 48 funds bought positions. Funds hold 35.26 million shares thus 1.28% less from 2018Q2’s 35.72 million shares.
Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss Ltd Llc owns 28,970 shs for 0% of their capital. Bowling Port Ltd, Ohio-based fund reported 38,564 shs. Kbc Gp Nv reported 106,193 shs. Alpha Windward Ltd Co accumulated 0.26% or 11,640 shs. Stifel stated it has 0% in Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC). Moreover, Panagora Asset Mngmt has 0% invested in Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC). Credit Suisse Ag accumulated 0% or 44,439 shs. Moreover, Qs Invsts Ltd Limited Liability Company has 0.04% invested in Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC). Systematic Financial Mngmt Ltd Partnership invested in 30,070 shs or 0.03% of the stock. Tci Wealth Advsr owns 59 shs or 0% of their US capital. Stanley has 0.18% invested in Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC). Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa holds 5,968 shs or 0% of its capital. Sawgrass Asset Management Ltd Liability Company holds 22,480 shs. Ubs Asset Management Americas Inc reported 405,670 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Texas Permanent School Fund has 0.01% invested in Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC) for 24,472 shs.

Boise Cascade Company registered $442,779 net activity with 0 buys and 1 sale since August 23, 2018.

On February, 25. Investors expect Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC) to announce its quarterly earnings, as reported by Faxor. Analysts expect change of 128.57 % or $0.36 from previous year’s $0.28 EPS compared to current’s $-0.08 EPS. After $0.76 EPS report last quarter, Wall Street now sees -110.53 % negative EPS growth of Boise Cascade Company. Ticker’s shares touched $29.17 during the last trading session after 1.43% change.Currently Boise Cascade Company is downtrending after 37.15% change in last February 18, 2018. BCC has 256,411 shares volume. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 37.15%.

Boise Cascade Company manufactures wood products and distributes building materials in the United States and Canada.The company has $1.14 billion market cap. The Company’s Wood Products segment makes laminated veneer lumber and laminated beams used in headers and beams; I-joists for residential and commercial flooring and roofing systems, and other structural applications; structural, appearance, and industrial plywood panels; and ponderosa pine lumber, studs, and particleboards.The P/E ratio is 10.31. This segment's products are used primarily in new residential construction, residential repair-and-remodeling markets, and light commercial construction.

For more Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC) news released briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Globenewswire.com, Seekingalpha.com, Globenewswire.com or Benzinga.com. The titles are as follows: “Boise Cascade Company 2018 Q2 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” released on August 07, 2018, “Fatality under investigation at Boise Cascade plywood manufacturing facility – GlobeNewswire” on November 19, 2018, “Boise Cascade declares $0.09 dividend – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: November 06, 2018, “Boise Cascade announces officer promotions and retirements – GlobeNewswire” and the last “Earnings Scheduled For November 6, 2018 – Benzinga” with publication date: November 06, 2018.

Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC) Analyst Ratings Chart

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