Wmi Holdings Corp (NYSE:WM) Sentiment Change Report at 1.11

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Positions for Wmi Holdings Corp (NYSE:WM)

In 2018 Q3 Wmi Holdings Corp (NYSE:WM) big money sentiment decreased to 1.11, according to SEC filings. So its down -0.05, from 2018Q2’s 1.16. 390 investment managers increased or opened new stock positions, while 350 decreased and sold holdings in Wmi Holdings Corp so the sentiment is negative. These funds own 844.22 million shares, that’s up from 216.46 million shares in 2018Q2. Funds holding Wmi Holdings Corp in top 10 increased from 14 to 21 for an increase of 7. In total 42 funds closed positions, 308 reduced and 265 increased. Also 125 funds bought new Wmi Holdings Corp stakes.

Significant Wmi Holdings Corp Shareholders

Greywolf Capital Management Lp owns 64.84 million shares in Wmi Holdings Corp as of 2018 Q3. As of 2018 Q3, 19.51 million shares of Wmi Holdings Corp are owned by Gvo Asset Management Ltd. Moreover, Serengeti Asset Management Lp reported 41.15 million shares in Wmi Holdings Corp equivalent to 9.13% of its US long equity exposure. The Washington-based fund Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust have invested about 6.52% of the investment manager’s stock portfolio in Wmi Holdings Corp. The Wisconsin-based fund Sadoff Investment Management Llc looks positive on Wmi Holdings Corp, having 516,990 shares.

Waste Management, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides waste management environmental services to residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal clients in North America.The firm is worth $42.26 billion. It offers collection services, including picking up and transporting waste and recyclable materials from where it was generated to a transfer station, material recovery facility , or disposal site; and owns, develops, and operates landfill gas-to-energy facilities in the United States, as well as owns and operates transfer stations.22.41 is the P/E ratio. As of December 31, 2016, the firm owned or operated 95 MRFs; and 243 solid waste landfills and 5 secure hazardous waste landfills, as well as 310 transfer stations.

WM is reaching $99.73 during the last trading session, after increased 0.41%.Currently Waste Management, Inc. is uptrending after 8.77% change in last February 24, 2018. WM has 1.21 million shares volume. WM outperformed by 8.77% the S&P500.

Etrade Management Ltd Liability Corp invested 0.1% in Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM). Moreover, Investors has 0.07% invested in Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) for 1.79M shs. Raymond James Ser holds 0.07% in Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) or 179,899 shs. Supplemental Annuity Collective Of Nj invested in 10,000 shs or 0.37% of the stock. Meiji Yasuda Asset Mngmt owns 59,909 shs. Advisory Service Inc, a Kansas-based fund reported 7,088 shs. Piedmont Advsr has 32,114 shs for 0.12% of their capital. Pinnacle Associates Ltd has invested 0.18% in Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM). 166,297 are owned by Bankshares Of Nova Scotia. Credit Suisse Ag holds 0.1% in Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) or 1.21 million shs. Cibc State Bank Usa holds 0.04% or 3,500 shs. Tributary Cap Mgmt Limited Liability Corporation holds 7,300 shs or 0.07% of its capital. Tci Wealth Advsrs holds 0.01% or 182 shs. Stelac Advisory Serv Limited has 1,373 shs for 0.04% of their capital. Manchester Capital Mgmt Ltd Liability Company invested in 582 shs.

Waste Management, Inc. had 5 insider sales and 0 buys since November 8, 2018. This’s net activity of $3.07 million. Shares for $31,698 were sold by POPE JOHN C on Tuesday, January 15. On Thursday, November 8 Harris Jeff M also sold $2.21M worth of Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM). On Tuesday, January 15 GROSS PATRICK W sold $33,957 worth of Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM). 8,107 shs were sold by Rankin Devina A, worth $765,397 on Tuesday, December 4.

Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) Ratings Coverage

In total 3 analysts cover Waste Management (NYSE:WM). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 0 are “Hold”. (NYSE:WM) has 100% bullish analysts. 3 are the (NYSE:WM)’s ratings reports on 24 Feb 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. In Tuesday, December 4 report Goldman Sachs upgraded it to “Buy” rating and $107 target. On Thursday, January 10 the stock of Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) has “Buy” rating given by UBS.

Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) Institutional Investors Chart

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