Big Money Sentiment increased to 2.42 in 2018 Q3. It has change of 0.32, from 2018Q2’s 2.1. The ratio improved due to Amber Road, Inc. positioning: 4 sold and 15 reduced. 16 funds took holdings and 30 increased holdings. Investors holded 17.82 million in 2018Q2 but now own 19.62 million shares or 10.09% more.
Bank & Trust Of Montreal Can reported 16,295 shs. Moreover, Bridgeway Cap Mgmt has 0.01% invested in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR) for 133,000 shs. 1.40M were reported by Oaktop Cap Mngmt Ii L P. Needham Investment invested in 1.11M shs or 3.21% of the stock. Marshall Wace Llp stated it has 0% of its capital in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR). Bancshares Of America De has invested 0% in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR). Wells Fargo And Company Mn accumulated 77,441 shs or 0% of the stock. Spark Ltd Co stated it has 0.04% in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR). Morgan Stanley accumulated 85,676 shs. Granahan Invest Mngmt Inc Ma reported 0.54% of its capital in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR). Tiaa Cref Mngmt reported 0% stake. Lapides Asset Mngmt Ltd stated it has 0.07% of its capital in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR). Levin Strategies Ltd Partnership reported 0.01% of its capital in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR). Walleye Trading Ltd Liability invested in 0% or 1,600 shs. Citigroup reported 0% in Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR).
Amber Road, Inc. registered $1.53 million net activity with 1 insider buy and 10 insider sales since August 31, 2018. Another trade for 30,000 shs valued at $268,800 was made by Preuninger James W on Friday, November 16. On Monday, October 8 $73,704 worth of Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR) was sold by Pieri Nathan. Shares for $17,600 were bought by CRAVEN PAMELA.
Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR) declined considerably to $9.39. It was announced on Feb, 25 according to The company has $261.43M MC. At our $8.92 target, the company worth will be $13.07M less.
For more Amber Road, Inc. (NYSE:AMBR) news published recently go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Amber Road Is A Sell – Seeking Alpha” published on November 23, 2018, “Altai Capital Delivers Letter to Amber Road Board of Directors – Business Wire” on December 17, 2018, “Earnings Scheduled For February 11, 2019 – Benzinga” with a publish date: February 11, 2019, “E2open Withdraws Proposal to Acquire Amber Road for $10.50 Per Share – Business Wire” and the last “Amber Road, Inc. (AMBR) CEO Jim Preuninger on Q2 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: August 12, 2018.
Amber Road, Inc. provides cloud-based global trade management solutions in the United States and internationally.The firm is worth $261.43 million. The companyÂ’s GTM solutions include modules for logistics contract and rate management; supply chain visibility and event management; international trade compliance; and global knowledge trade content database, supply chain collaboration with overseas factories and vendors, and duty management solutions to importers and exporters, nonvessel owning common carriers (resellers), and ocean carriers.Last it reported negative earnings. It provides its solution to various industries, including chemical/pharmaceutical, high technology/electronics, industrial/manufacturing, logistics, gas and oil, and retail/apparel through a software-as-a-service model.
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