Big Money Sentiment decreased to 1.39 in Q3 2018. It has change of 0.21, from 2018Q2’s 1.6. The ratio worsened due to Unitil Corporation positioning: 14 sold and 30 reduced. 19 funds took positions and 42 increased positions. Investors holded 9.24 million in 2018Q2 but now own 8.84 million shares or 4.33% less.
Bnp Paribas Arbitrage holds 0% or 479 shs. Dalton Greiner Hartman Maher accumulated 80,988 shs. Moreover, Ledyard National Bank has 0.03% invested in Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL). Public Employees Retirement Association Of Colorado owns 10,415 shs or 0% of their US capital. Fmr Limited Liability holds 545 shs or 0% of its capital. Foundry Partners Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 163,560 shs. State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement Sys reported 13,885 shs. Natl Bank Of America Corp De has 0% invested in Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL) for 32,936 shs. Assetmark has invested 0% in Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL). Engineers Gate Manager L P invested in 0.02% or 4,444 shs. Ajo Lp accumulated 126,648 shs. Webster Financial Bank N A invested 0% of its capital in Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL). Ls Advsr Ltd reported 1,260 shs. First Manhattan Co reported 89,744 shs or 0.02% of all its holdings. Optimum Investment Advsrs has 400 shs for 0.01% of their capital.
The company Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL) touched all time high on Feb, 26with $56.89 PT or 4.00 % above today’s $54.70 share price. The all time high was posted by It has $813.83 million MC. $32.55M more could be NYSE:UTL valuation at $56.89 share price.
UTL touched $54.7 during the last trading session after $0.52 change.Unitil Corporation has volume of 6,265 shares. Since February 26, 2018 UTL has risen 2.22% and is uptrending. UTL outperformed the S&P 500 by 2.22%.
For more Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL) news released briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Factors of Influence in 2019, Key Indicators and Opportunity within Sierra Wireless, United States Steel, CareDx, Cedar Fair, Unitil, and Cavco Industries — New Research Emphasizes Economic Growth – GlobeNewswire” released on February 19, 2019, “AY vs. UTL: Which Stock Should Value Investors Buy Now? –” on February 01, 2019, “Unitil Corporation 2018 Q4 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: January 31, 2019, “Unitil Announces Public Offering of Common Stock – GlobeNewswire” and the last “Mario Gabelli’s Gabelli Utilities Fund 4th Quarter Commentary –” with publication date: February 04, 2019.
Unitil Corporation, a public utility holding company, engages in the distribution of electricity and natural gas in the United States.The firm is valued at $813.83 million. It operates through three divisions: Utility Gas Operations, Utility Electric Operations, and Non-Regulated.The P/E ratio is 24.58. The firm distributes electricity in the southeastern seacoast and state capital regions of New Hampshire, and the greater Fitchburg area of north central Massachusetts; and distributes natural gas in southeastern New Hampshire, portions of southern Maine to the Lewiston-Auburn area, and in the greater Fitchburg area of north central Massachusetts.
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