On March, 14 The EPS for Cerus Corporation (CERS) Expected At $-0.10

During Q3 2018 the big money sentiment is 1.43. That’s change of 2018Q2’s as. 10 investors sold all, 36 reduced holdings as Cerus Corporation ratio is without change. 33 grew positions while only 33 funds took positions. Funds hold 71.84 million shares thus 1.56% more from 2018Q2’s 70.73 million shares.
State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement Systems has invested 0% in Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS). National Bank & Trust Of America De holds 0% or 474,183 shs. Sectoral Asset Mngmt accumulated 0.05% or 60,576 shs. Barclays Public Limited Liability owns 174,765 shs. Schwab Charles Invest Mngmt reported 0% stake. Elm reported 27,500 shs. Adams Diversified Equity Fund holds 0.04% of its capital in Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS) for 102,500 shs. Moreover, Hightower Lc has 0% invested in Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS) for 10,760 shs. Athena Advsr Ltd Liability Corp owns 22,000 shs or 0.05% of their US capital. Moreover, Brown Advisory has 0% invested in Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS) for 13,149 shs. Daiwa Securities Gru Inc stated it has 630 shs. Glenmede Tru Na reported 26,396 shs stake. State Bank Of Ny Mellon Corp invested in 536,556 shs or 0% of the stock. Ubs Asset Mngmt Americas has 64,601 shs for 0% of their capital. Millennium Mgmt Ltd has invested 0.01% in Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS).

Cerus Corporation registered $99,324 net activity with 0 insider buys and 6 sales since August 28, 2018. On Tuesday, August 28 Benjamin Richard J sold $376,055 worth of Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS) or 50,000 shs.

Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS)’s earnings report is anticipated on March, 14., Zacks reports. The EPS diference is $0.00 or 0.00 % from last years number. Previous year: $-0.1; Analysts forcast: $-0.10. After $-0.11 EPS report last quarter, Wall Street now sees -9.09 % EPS growth of Cerus Corporation. The stock increased 4.92% or $0.31 during the last trading session, touching $6.61.Cerus Corporation has 2.41M shares volume, 199.79% up from normal. CERS is uptrending and has moved 50.96% since February 27, 2018. CERS outperformed by 50.96% the S&P500.

Cerus Corporation, a biomedical products company, focuses on developing and commercializing the INTERCEPT Blood System to enhance blood safety.The firm is valued at $896.90 million. The Company’s INTERCEPT Blood System is based on its proprietary technology for controlling biological replication; and targets and inactivates blood-borne pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, as well as harmful white blood cells, while preserving the therapeutic properties of platelet, plasma, and red blood cell transfusion products.Last it reported negative earnings. The company's INTERCEPT Blood Systems for platelets and plasma are designed to inactivate blood-borne pathogens in platelets and plasma donated for transfusion; and INTERCEPT Blood System for red blood cells to inactivate blood-borne pathogens in red blood cells donated for transfusion.

For more Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS) news released recently go to: Businesswire.com, Businesswire.com, Seekingalpha.com, Fool.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “American Red Cross Receives Biologics License Application Approval For INTERCEPT Platelets – Business Wire” released on December 10, 2018, “Cerus Receives FDA Breakthrough Device Designation for Pathogen-Reduced Cryoprecipitate – Business Wire” on October 31, 2018, “Cerus provides 2019 guidance – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: January 07, 2019, “Here’s Why Cerus Corporation Stock Popped Today – The Motley Fool” and the last “Why Fifth Third (FITB) is an Attractive Pick for Investors? – Nasdaq” with publication date: January 08, 2019.

Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ:CERS) Institutional Investors Chart

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