Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc (NYSEMKT:FCO) Sentiment Change Report at 1.75

“Big money” Positions

In 2018 Q3 Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc (NYSEMKT:FCO) big money sentiment decreased to 1.75, according to SEC filings. That’s down -1.25, from 2018Q2’s 3. 7 hedge funds increased and started new equity positions, while 4 reduced and sold their equity positions in Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc so the sentiment is negative. Funds own 744,384 shares, down from 858,443 shares in 2018Q2. Funds holding Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc in top 10 changed to 0 from 0 for the same number . 1 Investors Sold All; 3 Reduced Holdings; 5 increased holdings while 2 hedge funds bought holdings.

Most Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc Shareholders

As of 2018 Q3 Terril Brothers Inc. has 0.56% invested in Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc. Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc’s shareholder Wealthtrust Axiom Llc owns 129,875 shares as of 2018 Q3. Private Harbour Investment Management & Counsel Llc reported 31,500 shares. Oxbow Advisors Llc revealed 32,791 shares position in Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc. The New York-based fund Shufro Rose & Co Llc looks positive on Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc, owning 31,900 shares.

Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. is a closed-ended fixed income mutual fund launched and managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited.The firm is worth $70.67 million. It is co-managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Limited and Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited.Last it reported negative earnings. The fund invests in fixed income markets across the globe.

Ticker’s shares touched $8.1 during the last trading session after 0.42% change.Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. has volume of 19,385 shares. Since February 28, 2018 FCO has declined 10.55% and is downtrending. FCO underperformed by 10.55% the S&P 500.

Shufro Rose And Lc holds 0.03% or 31,900 shs. Thompson Davis And holds 250 shs. Wells Fargo & Mn invested 0% of its capital in Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:FCO). State Bank Of America De holds 0% of its capital in Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:FCO) for 81,950 shs. Us National Bank & Trust De holds 0% or 4,320 shs in its capital. Private Harbour Invest Mgmt Counsel Lc, a Ohio-based fund reported 31,500 shs. Huntington State Bank, a Ohio-based fund reported 500 shs. Oxbow Lc accumulated 32,791 shs or 0.03% of the stock. Morgan Stanley reported 40,890 shs. Invesco Limited invested in 34,932 shs or 0% of the stock. James Inv Rech holds 12,452 shs. 213,578 were reported by Terril Brothers. Royal National Bank & Trust Of Canada owns 223 shs. Wealthtrust Axiom Ltd Llc has invested 0.37% in Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:FCO).

Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. registered $6,950 net activity with 1 buying transaction and 0 selling transactions since December 20, 2018.

For more Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:FCO) news released recently go to: Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Prnewswire.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “Weekly Closed-End Fund Roundup: RIV And FTF Rights Offerings – Seeking Alpha” released on October 07, 2018, “Weekly Closed-End Fund Roundup: CEF Rebound Week – Seeking Alpha” on December 17, 2018, “Weekly Closed-End Fund Roundup: NBB/NBD And EMO/CBA Mergers Complete – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: December 09, 2018, “Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc. Announces Record Date and Payment Date for Monthly Distribution – PRNewswire” and the last “Weekly Closed-End Fund Roundup: PIMCO Re-Rating – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: December 03, 2018.

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