Hays plc (LON:HAS) Rating Changes as of Mar 6, 2019

Hays plc (LON:HAS) Corporate Logo
Big Money Sentiment decreased to 0.95 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.32, from 2018Q3’s 1.27. The ratio worsened due to Hays plc positioning: 59 sold and 150 reduced. 52 funds acquired positions and 146 increased positions. Investors holded 105.26 million in 2018Q3 but now own 110.81 million shares or 5.27% more.
Albion Fincl Group Ut owns 0.45% invested in Hays plc (LON:HAS) for 35,449 shs. Vanguard Group Inc Inc invested in 13.55 million shs or 0.05% of the stock. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department owns 30,160 shs. Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec invested 0.01% in Hays plc (LON:HAS). Employees Retirement Of Ohio holds 118,817 shs or 0.06% of its capital. Tarbox Family Office has 12 shs. Stonebridge Advisors Limited Liability Company holds 10,730 shs or 0.2% of its capital. World Asset Mgmt owns 7,751 shs or 0.04% of their US capital. Us National Bank & Trust De has 0.03% invested in Hays plc (LON:HAS) for 123,135 shs. Hartford Fincl Mgmt reported 174 shs or 0.01% of all its holdings. Azimuth Capital Management Ltd Llc stated it has 0.02% of its capital in Hays plc (LON:HAS). Employees Retirement Of Texas accumulated 5,000 shs. Ameritas Invest Prns Inc invested in 0.02% or 5,013 shs. Jcic Asset Mngmt owns 31 shs or 0% of their US capital. Bankshares Of Nova Scotia holds 0.01% of its capital in Hays plc (LON:HAS) for 29,809 shs.

Hays plc had 5 sales and 0 buys since November 7, 2018. This’s net activity of $78.48 million. Tinga Wiebe sold $598,786 worth of Hays plc (LON:HAS) or 6,000 shs on Wednesday, November 7.

Hays plc (LON:HAS) Ratings Coverage

A total of 8 analysts rate Hays PLC (LON:HAS) as follows: 4 “Buy”, 4 “Hold” and 0 “Sell”. Š¢herefore 50% are bullish. (LON:HAS) has 18 ratings reports on Mar 6, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence. On Thursday, October 11 the stock of Hays plc (LON:HAS) has “Buy” rating given by Liberum Capital. On Thursday, February 21 Jefferies maintained Hays plc (LON:HAS) rating. Jefferies has “Hold” rating and GBX 170 target. In Thursday, September 27 report Morgan Stanley upgraded it to “Overweight” rating and GBX 235 target. On Monday, January 7 the rating was upgraded by HSBC to “Buy”. On Monday, February 25 the firm earned “Outperform” rating by BNP Paribas. On Thursday, January 10 the rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Sector Performer”. On Friday, January 11 the rating was maintained by UBS with “Buy”. On Thursday, October 25 UBS maintained Hays plc (LON:HAS) rating. UBS has “Buy” rating and GBX 170 target. On Monday, September 17 the firm has “Hold” rating given by HSBC. On Thursday, October 11 the stock has “Buy” rating by UBS. Listed here are Hays plc (LON:HAS) PTs and latest ratings.

25/02/2019 Broker: BNP Paribas Rating: Outperform Old Target: GBX 175.00 New Target: GBX 180.00 Upgrade
22/02/2019 Broker: UBS Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 170.00 Maintain
21/02/2019 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold Old Target: GBX 195.00 New Target: GBX 170.00 Reiteration
21/02/2019 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 215.00 Maintain
15/01/2019 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 215.00 Maintain
11/01/2019 Broker: UBS Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 170.00 Maintain
10/01/2019 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Sector Performer Old Target: GBX 180.00 New Target: GBX 210.00 Maintain
07/01/2019 Broker: HSBC Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 205.00 New Target: GBX 190.00 Upgrade
31/10/2018 Broker: Citigroup Rating: Neutral Old Target: GBX 137.00 New Target: GBX 180.00 Maintain
25/10/2018 Broker: UBS Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 210.00 New Target: GBX 170.00 Maintain

HAS is hitting GBX 156.4 during the last trading session, after decreased 0.06%.Hays plc is after having 0.00% since March 6, 2018. HAS has 3.40M volume or 1.94% up from normal. HAS underperformed the S&P 500 by 4.37%.

Hays plc operates as a specialist recruitment firm in the Asia Pacific, Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and internationally.The firm is worth 2.28 billion GBP. The firm offers permanent, temporary, and contractor recruitment services, such as qualified, professional, and skilled recruitment to public and private sector.The P/E ratio is 13.25. It specializes in offering recruitment services in the areas of accountancy and finance, construction and property, information technology, life sciences, sales and marketing, banking and capital markets, contact centers, education, engineering and manufacturing, executive, financial services, health and social care, human resources, legal, office professionals, energy, gas and oil, purchasing, retail, resources and mining, and telecoms.

There’s a significant Hays plc (LON:HAS) news posted by Forbes.com. It’s an item titled: “At 21, Kylie Jenner Becomes The Youngest Self-Made Billionaire Ever – Forbes” on March 05, 2019.

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