During Q4 2018 the big money sentiment increased to 1.22. That’s change of 0.13, from 2018Q3’s 1.09. 11 investors sold all, 12 reduced holdings as Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ratio increased. 14 increased stakes while 14 funds took stakes. Funds hold 30.65 million shares thus 3.89% more from 2018Q3’s 29.50 million shares.
Acadian Asset Mgmt Ltd Limited Liability Company has 482,136 shs. Northern Tru holds 169,965 shs. Wellington Mngmt Ltd Liability Partnership owns 1.56 million shs for 0% of their capital. Moreover, Morgan Stanley has 0% invested in Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:INFI). Macquarie Grp Inc reported 0% stake. 12,955 are owned by Invesco Ltd. Group Incorporated, a Ohio-based fund reported 20,000 shs. Dimensional Fund Advsrs Ltd Partnership reported 1.10 million shs stake. Fosun Ltd accumulated 378,296 shs or 0.03% of the stock. Bridgeway Capital Mgmt invested in 0% or 279,000 shs. Barclays Public Limited Co accumulated 0% or 96 shs. Raymond James Advisors Inc invested in 0% or 11,750 shs. Marshall Wace Llp holds 0% or 42,671 shs. Quantitative Inv Management accumulated 0% or 15,000 shs. 1.14 million were accumulated by Platinum Inv.
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. had 1 insider sale and 4 buys since October 1, 2018. This’s net activity of $3.56 million. 5,000 shs were sold by Perkins Adelene Q, worth $14,100.
On March, 21 is anticipated Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:INFI)’s earnings report, as reported by RTT. Analysts predict $-0.17 earnings per share. That’s $0.03 down or 21.43 % from 2018’s earnings of $-0.14. Last quarter $0.23 earnings per share was reported. Analysts predicts -173.91 % negative EPS growth this quarter. INFI touched $1.665 during the last trading session after $0.025 change.Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has 420,631 shares volume, 54.29% up from normal. INFI is downtrending and has moved 16.67% since March 6, 2018. INFI underperformed by 21.04% the S&P500.
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:INFI) Ratings Coverage
In total 3 analysts cover Infinity Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:INFI). “Buy” rating has 1, “Sell” are 1, while 1 are “Hold”. (NASDAQ:INFI) has 33% bullish analysts. 4 are the (NASDAQ:INFI)’s ratings reports on Mar 6, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Monday, November 12 the firm has “Market Perform” rating by Wells Fargo given. On Monday, November 12 the stock has “Underweight” rating by JP Morgan.
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, develops medicines for patients with difficult-to-treat diseases in the United States.The firm is worth $94.68 million. The Company’s lead product candidate includes IPI-549 an orally administered immuno-oncology product candidate that inhibits the enzyme phosphoinositide-3-kinase-gamma is in Phase 1 clinical study.Last it reported negative earnings. The firm has a license agreement with Verastem, Inc. to research, develop, commercialize, and manufacture duvelisib, a selective inhibitor of the PI3K delta and gamma isoforms, including DUO study that is in randomized Phase III clinical study for patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia and products containing duvelisib; Intellikine, Inc. to discover, develop, and commercialize pharmaceutical products targeting the delta and/or gamma isoforms of PI3K; and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited to develop and commercialize duvelisib.
For more Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:INFI) news published briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Nasdaq.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “Infinity Pharmaceuticals provides business update – Seeking Alpha” published on January 07, 2019, “Why Infinity Pharmaceuticals (INFI) Could Shock the Market Soon – Nasdaq” on April 12, 2018, “VIPS, CAR, DLPH and ATTU among notable midday movers – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: February 21, 2019, “Investors unimpressed with preliminary data on Infinity Pharma’s IPI-549 in PD-1/L1 inhibitor-resistant cancer patients; shares down 29% – Seeking Alpha” and the last “ReShape Lifesciences leads healthcare gainers; Infinity Pharmaceuticals and Achaogen among losers – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: November 12, 2018.
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