Positions for Biomerica Inc (BMRA)
“Big money sentiment for Biomerica Inc (BMRA) in Q4 2018 decreased to 1, SEC.gov filings reveal. That’s down -Infinity, from 2018Q3’s Infinity. 5 investment managers opened new or increased stock positions, while 5 sold and decreased their stakes in Biomerica Inc so the sentiment turned negative. Funds own 87,576 shares, down from 315,408 shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Biomerica Inc in top 10 changed to 0 from 0 for the same number . In total 2 funds closed positions, 3 reduced and 0 increased. Also 5 funds bought new Biomerica Inc stakes.
Biggest Biomerica Inc Shareholders
Perritt Capital Management Inc owns 40,000 shares in Biomerica Inc as of Q4 2018. As of Q4 2018, 3,902 shares of Biomerica Inc are owned by Bank Of America Corp De. Also, Blackrock Inc. reported 19,126 shares in Biomerica Inc equivalent to 0% of its US long equity exposure. The New York-based fund Morgan Stanley have invested about 0% of the institutional investor’s stock portfolio in Biomerica Inc. The Texas-based fund Next Financial Group Inc holds 342 shares or 0% of their US long equity exposure.
Biomerica, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops, makes, and markets medical diagnostic products for the early detection and monitoring of chronic diseases and medical conditions worldwide.The firm is worth $22.66 million. The companyÂ’s diagnostic test kits are used to analyze blood, urine, or fecal samples from patients in the diagnosis of various diseases and other medical complications; and to measure the level of specific hormones, antibodies, antigens, or other substances, which exist in the human body in extremely small concentrations.Last it reported negative earnings. It primarily focuses on products for gastrointestinal, food intolerances, diabetes, and esoteric tests.
BMRA is reaching $2.43 during the last trading session, after decreased 1.22%.Currently Biomerica, Inc. is downtrending after 36.95% change in last March 9, 2018. BMRA has also 1,711 shares volume. BMRA underperformed the S&P 500 by 41.32%.
On April, 15 WallStreet awaited Biomerica, Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRA)’s earnings release, as reported by Faxor. Analysts have anticipation on stock’s earnings per share of $-0.05. That’s down 25.00 % from last year’s $-0.04 earnings per share. After $-0.05 earnings per share was reported last quarter, analysts now see EPS growth of 0.00 % for Biomerica, Inc..
Morgan Stanley invested in 0% or 1 shs. Perritt Mgmt holds 0.03% or 40,000 shs in its capital. Next Financial Group Incorporated Inc has 0% invested in Biomerica, Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRA). State Bank Of America De has invested 0% in Biomerica, Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRA). Royal Bancorp Of Canada stated it has 16 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Wells Fargo & Mn reported 0% stake. Blackrock Inc holds 0% of its capital in Biomerica, Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRA) for 19,126 shs. Tower Rech Capital Ltd Liability Company (Trc) accumulated 0% or 48 shs. Vanguard Group, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 16,641 shs.
For more Biomerica, Inc. (NASDAQ:BMRA) news announced briefly go to: Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com or Globenewswire.com. The titles are as follows: “Biomerica Announces Updates for H. Pylori Clinical Studies – GlobeNewswire” announced on February 05, 2019, “Biomerica adds Harry Leider, MD, MBA to Strategic Advisory Board – GlobeNewswire” on April 19, 2018, “Biomerica Commences Clinical Studies for New Gastroenterology H. Pylori Test – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: September 12, 2017, “Medline and Biomerica sign agreement for distribution of Biomerica’s colorectal screening test to help identify an early warning sign of colorectal cancer – GlobeNewswire” and the last “Mexico’s COFEPRIS (Mexico’s equivalent of the FDA) approves Biomerica colorectal screening test to help identify the early warning signs of colorectal cancer – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: March 08, 2018.
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