Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund Q4 2018 Big Money Sentiment Better Than Expected: at 3.75

“Big money” Positions

In Q4 2018 Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund (NYSE:IID) big money sentiment increased to 3.75, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. That’s up 0.75, from 2018Q3’s 3. 15 hedge funds started new or increased holdings, while 4 sold and reduced equity positions in Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund so the sentiment improved. Funds own 1.06 million shares, up from 167,030 shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund in top 10 changed to 0 from 0 for the same number . 2 Investors Sold All; 2 Reduced Holdings; 4 increased holdings while 11 hedge funds bought holdings.

Largest Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund Shareholders

As of Q4 2018 Mariner Investment Group Llc has 0.12% invested in Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund. As of Q4 2018, 40,365 shares of Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund are owned by Park Avenue Securities Llc. Aviance Capital Partners Llc reported 11,300 shares. Clough Capital Partners L P revealed 18,000 shares position in Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund. The New Jersey-based fund Landscape Capital Management L.L.C. looks positive on Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund, possessing 26,108 shares.

Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund is a closed-ended equity mutual fund launched by Voya Investment Management LLC.The company has $ market cap. The fund is co-managed by Voya Investments, LLC, Voya Investment Management Co.Last it reported negative earnings. LLC, and NNIP Advisors B.V.

Ticker’s shares touched $5.7 during the last trading session after 1.72% change.Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund has volume of 34,654 shares. Since March 9, 2018 IID has declined 13.90% and is downtrending. IID underperformed the S&P500 by 18.27%.

10,325 are held by Ameriprise Fincl. Wells Fargo & Mn holds 32,353 shs or 0% of its capital. Clough Prtn L P, Massachusetts-based fund reported 18,000 shs. Wolverine Asset Management Limited Liability Company has 157,937 shs for 0.01% of their capital. Susquehanna Group Limited Liability Partnership, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 16,538 shs. Park Avenue Limited Liability reported 0.03% in Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund (NYSE:IID). Mariner Invest Grp Limited Co reported 0.12% stake. Citigroup accumulated 500 shs. Ontario – Canada-based Royal Bank & Trust Of Canada has invested 0% in Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund (NYSE:IID). Aviance Cap Partners Ltd Liability Corporation owns 11,300 shs. Raymond James Assocs reported 14,148 shs. Rmb Cap Ltd Com invested in 0% or 13,630 shs. Retail Bank Of America Corporation De stated it has 0% in Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund (NYSE:IID). Raymond James Financial Svcs Advsrs has invested 0% in Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund (NYSE:IID). Envestnet Asset Mngmt Incorporated reported 0% stake.

For more Voya International High Dividend Equity Income Fund (NYSE:IID) news published briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Peer-to-peer lending stock soars in IPO – CNNMoney” published on December 11, 2014, “Krystal Biotech: Data Due Year-End – krys – Seeking Alpha” on July 05, 2018, “Monthly Portfolio Data Now Available for ING Closed-End Funds – PR Newswire” with a publish date: November 20, 2013, “Equity CEFs: Global CEFs For A QE Europe – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Johnson & Johnson CEO Says Fix the Drug Pricing Process, But Not Too Much – Fortune” with publication date: December 04, 2018.

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