During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment increased to 1.17. That’s change of 0.04, from 2018Q3’s 1.13. 16 investors sold all, 60 reduced holdings as Banner Corporation ratio improved. 57 grew holdings while 32 funds took holdings. Funds hold 28.36 million shares thus 1.17% more from 2018Q3’s 28.04 million shares.
Federated Inc Pa accumulated 93,628 shs or 0.01% of the stock. 10,534 are held by Fsi Grp Inc Ltd Liability Corporation. Next Grp Incorporated invested 0% in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR). First Tru Advsrs Lp reported 0.01% stake. Aqr Cap Mngmt invested 0% in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR). Washington Tru Bancshares holds 0.03% or 4,191 shs in its capital. Forest Hill Capital Limited Liability Com has invested 3.76% in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR). Credit Suisse Ag holds 0% of its capital in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR) for 26,277 shs. Aristotle Boston Limited Liability Co holds 206,369 shs or 0.9% of its capital. Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund has 0.01% invested in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR). Teachers Retirement Systems Of The State Of Kentucky stated it has 0.01% of its capital in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR). Hbk Ltd Partnership stated it has 0.01% in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR). 1,307 are owned by Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa. Tiaa Cref Inv Mgmt Lc has 0% invested in Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR) for 95,422 shs. Sei Invs Communications accumulated 62,783 shs.
Banner Corporation registered $126,426 net activity with 0 insider buys and 3 insider sales since November 16, 2018. On Friday, December 7 $86,712 worth of Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR) was sold by Layman John R. Shares for $4,726 were sold by ORRICO BRENT A on Tuesday, November 27.
Banner Corporation (BANR) chart reviews a multiple bottoms chart with $55.65 PT. That’s 3.00 % below today’s $57.37 share price. Finviz.com featured the multiple bottoms chart on Mar, 10. $60.54M less could be BANR valuation at $55.65 share price.
BANR is hitting $57.37 during the last trading session, after increased 0.38%.Currently Banner Corporation is uptrending after 11.57% change in last March 10, 2018. BANR has 113,768 shares volume. The stock outperformed the S&P 500 by 7.20%.
On April, 22 Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR)’s earnings report is awaited by WallStreet, according to Faxor. Analysts predict $1.06 EPS. That’s $0.17 up or 19.10 % from 2018’s earnings of $0.89. BANR’s profit could reach $37.29 million with 13.53 P/E in case $1.06 EPS is revealed. Wall Street now predicts -2.75 % negative EPS growth despite Banner Corporation previous quarter’s EPS of $1.09.
For more Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR) news brought out recently go to: Nasdaq.com, Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com, Nasdaq.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for February 14th – Nasdaq” brought out on February 14, 2019, “Banner Corporation Completes Acquisition of Skagit Bancorp, Inc. – GlobeNewswire” on November 01, 2018, “Banner Corporation to Acquire Skagit Bancorp, Inc. – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: July 25, 2018, “Analysts Forecast 13% Gains Ahead For KBE – Nasdaq” and the last “BANR Crosses Above Average Analyst Target – Nasdaq” with publication date: February 21, 2019.
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