0.76 is Fluor Corp’s (NYSE:FLR) Big Money Sentiment

Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) Corporate Logo

“Big money” Positions

In Q4 2018 Fluor Corp (NYSE:FLR) big money sentiment decreased to 0.76, according to SEC.gov filings. So its down -0.20, from 2018Q3’s 0.96. 155 investment managers opened new or increased stock positions, while 204 sold and decreased their equity positions in Fluor Corp so the sentiment dived. Funds own 116.95 million shares, up from 114.27 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Fluor Corp in top 10 changed to 0 from 2 for a decrease of 2. 71 Investors Sold All; 133 Reduced Holdings; 100 increased stakes while 55 investment managers bought stakes.

Biggest Fluor Corp Investors

As of Q4 2018 Lesa Sroufe & Co has 2.56% invested in Fluor Corp. Fluor Corp’s shareholder Symons Capital Management Inc owns 166,384 shares as of Q4 2018. Sound Shore Management Inc Ct reported 3.15 million shares. Noesis Capital Mangement Corp revealed 130,786 shares position in Fluor Corp. The Maryland-based fund Clearbridge Llc holds 113,551 shares or 1.11% of their equity exposure.

Fluor Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides engineering, procurement, construction, fabrication and modularization, commissioning and maintenance, and project management services worldwide.The company has $5.28 billion market cap. It operates through four divisions: Energy, Chemicals & Mining; Industrial, Infrastructure & Power; Maintenance, Modification & Asset Integrity ; and Government.The P/E ratio is 23.77. The Energy, Chemicals & Mining segment offers a range of design, engineering, procurement, construction, fabrication, and project management services to upstream, downstream, chemical, petrochemical, offshore and onshore gas and oil production, liquefied natural gas, pipeline, and metals and mining markets.

FLR is reaching $37.8 during the last trading session, after increased 1.39%.Currently Fluor Corporation is downtrending after 32.45% change in last March 13, 2018. FLR has 1.35 million shares volume. FLR underperformed the S&P 500 by 36.82%.

Earnings report for Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) is awaited on May, 2., Zacks reports. Analysts forecast $0.54 earnings per share, which is $0.02 down or 3.57 % from 2018’s $0.56 earnings per share. If the current earnings per share of $0.54 is accurate, FLR’s profit could hit $75.37M. Wall Street forecasts -29.87 % negative EPS growth as of May, 2.

Impala Asset Mngmt Ltd reported 262,840 shs or 0.46% of all its holdings. Westpac Corporation, Australia-based fund reported 45,025 shs. Legal General Public Limited Co owns 787,154 shs for 0.02% of their capital. Raymond James & reported 0.02% stake. Becker Cap Incorporated reported 0.5% in Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR). 1832 Asset L P stated it has 55 shs. Principal Financial Grp has 207,408 shs. Cibc Ww Inc reported 32,692 shs or 0.01% of all its holdings. 228,840 are held by Fairview Cap Inv Mgmt Ltd Liability Corporation. Shine Invest Advisory Serv has 100 shs. 32,647 were accumulated by Sumitomo Life Insurance. Tci Wealth Advsrs has 0% invested in Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) for 35 shs. Schafer Cullen Capital Mngmt holds 0.01% or 17,760 shs in its capital. Scotia Inc reported 28,272 shs or 0.02% of all its holdings. Missouri-based First Allied Advisory Ser has invested 0.01% in Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR).

Fluor Corporation had 0 insider sales and 1 insider purchase since November 6, 2018. This’s net activity of $250,264.

Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) Ratings Coverage

In total 7 analysts cover Fluor (NYSE:FLR). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 4 are “Hold”. 43% are bullish. 8 are the (NYSE:FLR)’s analyst reports since October 11, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Wednesday, December 12 Goldman Sachs downgraded the shares of FLR in report to “Buy” rating. The company rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs on Thursday, October 18. On Thursday, October 11 the stock has “Buy” rating by Citigroup. On Friday, November 2 the rating was maintained by Robert W. Baird with “Neutral”. On Tuesday, November 20 Deutsche Bank maintained the shares of FLR in report with “Hold” rating. In Thursday, February 21 report Barclays Capital maintained it with “Hold” rating and $49 target. In Friday, February 22 report DA Davidson maintained the stock with “Hold” rating. On Monday, February 25 Canaccord Genuity maintained Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) rating. Canaccord Genuity has “Buy” rating and $56 target.

More recent Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) news were released by Seekingalpha.com, Benzinga.com and Bizjournals.com. The first one has “Fluor Corporation 2018 Q4 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” as a title and was released on February 22, 2019. The next is “Earnings Scheduled For February 21, 2019 – Benzinga” on February 21, 2019. And last was released on February 20, 2019, called “Halliburton breaks ground on plant in Saudi Arabia – Houston Business Journal”.

Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) Institutional Investors Chart

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