Big Money Sentiment decreased to 0.84 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.24, from 2018Q3’s 1.08. The ratio is negative due to Summit Midstream Partners, LP positioning: 11 sold and 20 reduced. 12 funds acquired stakes and 14 increased stakes. Investors holded 31.09 million in 2018Q3 but now own 28.59 million shares or 8.06% less.
Tower Research Capital Ltd Liability Com (Trc) holds 11,968 shs or 0.01% of its capital. Wells Fargo & Com Mn stated it has 113,987 shs. Moreover, Clearbridge Limited Liability Company has 0.01% invested in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). Cbre Clarion Securities Ltd Liability has invested 0.01% in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). Virtu Financial Lc accumulated 20,521 shs. Kayne Anderson Advisors L P invested 0.37% in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). 137,298 are held by Guggenheim Capital Limited. Invesco Ltd invested 0% in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). West Family Investments has invested 0.48% in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). Raymond James & Assoc reported 0% of its capital in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). 1,000 were accumulated by Regions. Us Fincl Bank De accumulated 1,800 shs or 0% of the stock. Arrow Ltd Com reported 32,162 shs stake. Savings Bank Of Montreal Can invested 0% of its capital in Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP). Goldman Sachs accumulated 1.45 million shs or 0% of the stock.
Summit Midstream Partners, LP registered $208,276 net activity with 0 buys and 4 selling transactions since September 17, 2018. On Monday, September 17 $48,012 worth of Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP) was sold by Degeyter Brock M.
Reiterated Summit Midstream (NYSE:SMLP) Rating.
Summit Midstream (NYSE:SMLP)‘s stock “Sell” rating was kept by Analysts at Barclays on Tuesday morning. The broker’s Research professionals have a $6 PT and gives a potential downside of -40.59 % on the stock.
Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP) Ratings Coverage
In total 3 analysts cover Summit Midstream Partners (NYSE:SMLP). “Buy” rating has 2, “Sell” are 1, while 0 are “Hold”. 67% are bullish. With $18 highest and $6 lowest price target Summit Midstream Partners has $12.33 average price target or 22.08% above the current ($10.1) price. 8 are the (NYSE:SMLP)’s analyst reports since September 24, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The company rating was maintained by Credit Suisse on Tuesday, November 20. On Tuesday, October 9 Goldman Sachs upgraded the shares of SMLP in report to “Buy” rating. On Tuesday, March 12 Barclays Capital maintained Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP) rating. Barclays Capital has “Sell” rating and $6 target. On Monday, September 24 the firm has “Market Perform” rating by Wells Fargo given.
SMLP is reaching $10.1 during the last trading session, after decreased 2.23%.Currently Summit Midstream Partners, LP is downtrending after 39.46% change in last March 13, 2018. SMLP has also 449,916 shares volume. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 43.83%.
Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP) is anticipated to publish earnings on May, 2., as reported by RTT. This year’s earnings per share analyst estimate is anticipated to be $0.23. That is 91.67 % up compareed to $0.12 earnings per share for last year. This could be $17.24M profit for SMLP assuming the current $0.23 earnings per share will become reality. After $0.39 earnings per share was revealed previous quarter, analysts now see negative EPS growth of -41.03 % for Summit Midstream Partners, LP.
Summit Midstream Partners, LP focuses on owning, developing, and operating midstream energy infrastructure assets primarily shale formations in the continental United States.The company has $757.03 million market cap. The firm provides natural gas gathering, treating, and processing services, as well as crude oil and produced water gathering services.The P/E ratio is 168.33. It operates in five unconventional resource basins, including the Appalachian Basin, which comprises the Utica and Point Pleasant shale formations in southeastern Ohio, and the Marcellus Shale formation in northern West Virginia; the Williston Basin that consists of the Bakken and Three Forks shale formations in northwestern North Dakota; the Fort Worth Basin, which includes the Barnett Shale formation in north-central Texas; the Piceance Basin that comprises the Mesaverde formation, and the Mancos and Niobrara shale formations in western Colorado and eastern Utah; and the Denver-Julesburg Basin, which includes the Niobrara and Codell shale formations in northeastern Colorado.
For more Summit Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE:SMLP) news released recently go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Summit Midstream: A Promising Future For This High-Yielding MLP – Seeking Alpha” released on December 07, 2018, “Summit Midstream Partners, LP Announces Date Change for Fourth Quarter 2018 Earnings Release and Earnings Call – PRNewswire” on February 13, 2019, “Summit Midstream Partners, LP Files 2017 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Announces 2017 K-1 Tax Package Availability – PR Newswire” with a publish date: March 01, 2018, “Mispriced Midstream MLP With 15% Yield Plus Upside – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Summit Midstream Partners (SMLP) CEO Steve Newby on Q2 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: August 03, 2018.
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