RELX PLC (LON:REL) Ratings Coverage
In total 9 analysts cover RELX Plc (LON:REL). “Buy” rating has 8, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. (LON:REL) has 89% bullish analysts. 25 are the (LON:REL)’s ratings reports on Mar 18, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Friday, January 25 Societe Generale maintained the shares of REL in report with “Buy” rating. On Wednesday, February 13 the firm has “Hold” rating given by Deutsche Bank. On Thursday, November 1 the stock of RELX PLC (LON:REL) earned “Buy” rating by Deutsche Bank. The stock rating was maintained by Kepler Cheuvreux with “Buy” on Thursday, January 10. On Monday, March 4 the firm earned “Overweight” rating by JP Morgan. In Tuesday, February 26 report Goldman Sachs maintained the stock with “Buy” rating. On Friday, October 26 the firm has “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital given. The stock rating was maintained by Berenberg with “Buy” on Monday, October 8. On Wednesday, October 24 the rating was maintained by Liberum Capital with “Buy”. In Thursday, February 21 report Numis Securities maintained it with “Hold” rating and GBX 1585 target. Listed here are RELX PLC (LON:REL) PTs and latest ratings.
06/03/2019 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1750.00 Maintain
04/03/2019 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Overweight Old Target: GBX 1785.00 New Target: GBX 1729.00 Maintain
04/03/2019 Broker: UBS Rating: Sell Old Target: GBX 1550.00 Maintain
04/03/2019 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1750.00 Maintain
01/03/2019 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1750.00 Maintain
26/02/2019 Broker: Goldman Sachs Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 2167.00 New Target: GBX 2123.00 Maintain
22/02/2019 Broker: UBS Rating: Sell Old Target: GBX 1550.00 Maintain
22/02/2019 Broker: Deutsche Bank Rating: Hold Old Target: GBX 1750.00 Maintain
21/02/2019 Broker: Numis Securities Rating: Hold New Target: GBX 1585.00 Maintain
21/02/2019 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 1750.00 Maintain
REL is reaching GBX 1672 during the last trading session, after increased 0.21%.RELX PLC has volume of 3.12 million shares. Since March 18, 2018 REL has 0.00% and is . REL underperformed by 4.37% the S&P 500.
RELX PLC provides information and analytics for professional and business clients in North America, Europe, and internationally.The company has 32.67 billion GBP market cap. The companyÂ’s Scientific, Technical & Medical segment offers information, analytics, and tools that help clients make decisions.The P/E ratio is 23.42. This segment provides research, reference, and education content; and database and decision tools for scientists, academic institutions, educators, research leaders and administrators, medical researchers, doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals and students, as well as hospitals, research institutions, health insurers, managed healthcare organizations, research-intensive firms, and governments.
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