Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) Ratings Summary as of Mar 18, 2019

Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) Corporate Logo
Big Money Sentiment decreased to 0.82 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.13, from 2018Q3’s 0.95. The ratio dived due to Westlake Chemical Corporation positioning: 44 sold and 88 reduced. 41 funds acquired positions and 67 increased positions. Investors holded 35.68 million in 2018Q3 but now own 34.36 million shares or 3.69% less.
Stone Ridge Asset Management Limited Liability Corporation has invested 0.05% of its capital in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK). Usa Financial Portformulas has 0.05% invested in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) for 2,326 shs. Ftb reported 0% stake. Schroder Invest Grp holds 0.01% of its capital in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) for 66,859 shs. Moreover, Invesco has 0.01% invested in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK). British Columbia Investment Mgmt Corp holds 10,167 shs. Federated Inc Pa reported 566,473 shs. Commonwealth Bancshares Of Australia reported 11,300 shs. California Pub Employees Retirement Systems stated it has 0.01% in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK). Guggenheim Ltd Liability holds 49,266 shs or 0.03% of its capital. Fil Ltd reported 38,399 shs. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Mngmt Communications stated it has 0% in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK). Bokf Na reported 0.06% of its capital in Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK). Riverhead Capital Limited Company invested in 0.05% or 17,286 shs. Arosa Cap Mgmt Ltd Partnership has 60,000 shs.

Westlake Chemical Corporation registered $5.26 million net activity with 0 insider buys and 2 selling transactions since November 14, 2018.

Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) Ratings Coverage

A total of 8 analysts rate Westlake Chemical (NYSE:WLK) as follows: 4 “Buy”, 3 “Hold” and 1 “Sell”. Š¢herefore 50% are bullish. (NYSE:WLK) has 15 ratings reports on Mar 18, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence. On Wednesday, February 20 Nomura maintained Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) with “Sell” rating. On Wednesday, September 19 the stock has “Hold” rating by Tudor Pickering. On Wednesday, January 30 the company was downgraded by Nomura. The stock rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with “Buy” on Tuesday, February 19. On Monday, November 26 the firm has “Buy” rating given by Alembic. On Tuesday, February 19 Alembic maintained the shares of WLK in report with “Buy” rating. On Wednesday, September 26 the stock of Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) earned “Buy” rating by Deutsche Bank. On Tuesday, January 8 the stock of Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) has “Buy” rating given by Bank of America. On Tuesday, February 26 the stock of Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) earned “Buy” rating by Citigroup. On Monday, October 15 the rating was maintained by Nomura with “Neutral”. Listed here are Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) PTs and latest ratings.

04/03/2019 Broker: Alembic Rating: Buy Maintain
27/02/2019 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Hold New Target: $73 Maintain
26/02/2019 Broker: Citigroup Rating: Buy New Target: $88 Maintain
26/02/2019 Broker: Susquehanna Old Rating: Positive New Rating: Neutral Downgrade
19/02/2019 Broker: Barclays Capital Rating: Buy New Target: $90 Maintain
20/02/2019 Broker: Nomura Rating: Sell New Target: $70 Maintain
19/02/2019 Broker: Alembic Rating: Buy New Target: $100 Maintain
30/01/2019 Broker: Nomura Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Reduce New Target: $72 Downgrade
08/01/2019 Broker: Bank of America Old Rating: Underperform New Rating: Buy Upgrade
26/11/2018 Broker: Alembic Rating: Buy Maintain

Ticker’s shares touched $68.72 during the last trading session after 0.72% change.Westlake Chemical Corporation has volume of 28,719 shares. Since March 18, 2018 WLK has declined 33.97% and is downtrending. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 38.34%.

Westlake Chemical Corporation manufactures and markets basic chemicals, vinyls, polymers, and building products.The firm is worth $8.83 billion. It operates through two divisions, Olefins and Vinyls.9.02 is the P/E ratio. The Olefins segment offers ethylene, polyethylene, styrene monomer, and various ethylene co-products, as well as sells propylene, crude butadiene, pyrolysis gasoline, and hydrogen.

For more Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) news announced briefly go to: Benzinga.com, Benzinga.com, Seekingalpha.com, Benzinga.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “10 Stocks To Watch For February 19, 2019 – Benzinga” announced on February 19, 2019, “25 Stocks Moving In Tuesday’s Pre-Market Session – Benzinga” on February 19, 2019, “Westlake Chemical Corporation 2018 Q3 – Results – Earnings Call Slides – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: November 06, 2018, “Earnings Scheduled For February 19, 2019 – Benzinga” and the last “Westlake Chemical Q4 2018 Earnings Preview – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: February 18, 2019.

Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK) Institutional Investors Chart

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