1.09 is Territorial Bancorp Inc’s (NASDAQ:TBNK) Big Money Sentiment

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Territorial Bancorp Inc’s Sentiment

In 2018 Q4 Territorial Bancorp Inc (NASDAQ:TBNK) big money sentiment increased to 1.09, according to SEC.gov filings. That’s up 0.09, from 2018Q3’s 1. 35 institutional investors increased and opened new equity positions, while 32 cut down and sold their positions in Territorial Bancorp Inc so the sentiment is better. These funds own 4.30 million shares, that’s up from 4.14 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Territorial Bancorp Inc in top 10 changed to 0 from 0 for the same number . In total 9 funds closed positions, 23 reduced and 24 increased. Also 11 funds bought new Territorial Bancorp Inc stakes.

Most Territorial Bancorp Inc Shareholders

Clover Partners L.P. owns 89,040 shares in Territorial Bancorp Inc as of 2018 Q4. As of 2018 Q4, 28,133 shares of Territorial Bancorp Inc are owned by Salzhauer Michael. Moreover, Cubic Asset Management Llc reported 39,965 shares in Territorial Bancorp Inc equivalent to 0.34% of its long stock exposure. The New York-based fund Maltese Capital Management Llc have invested about 0.34% of the active investment manager’s stock portfolio in Territorial Bancorp Inc. The New York-based fund Dalton Greiner Hartman Maher & Co holds 114,130 shares or 0.22% of their long stock exposure.

Territorial Bancorp Inc. operates as the bank holding firm for Territorial Savings Bank that provides various financial services to individuals, families, and businesses in Hawaii.The firm is worth $245.14 million. The firm offers a range of deposit accounts, including passbook and statement savings accounts, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, commercial and regular checking accounts, and NOW accounts.13.15 is the P/E ratio. It also provides various loan products comprising one- to four-family residential mortgage loans; home equity loans and lines of credit; construction, commercial, and other non-residential real estate loans; consumer loans; multi-family mortgage loans; commercial business loans; and other loans, as well as offers investment securities.

The stock decreased 0.37% or $0.1 during the last trading session, hitting $26.69.Territorial Bancorp Inc. has volume of 1,140 shares. Since March 22, 2018 TBNK has declined 5.20% and is downtrending. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 9.57%.

Renaissance Techs Lc owns 0.02% invested in Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) for 627,400 shs. Fincl Bank Of Mellon holds 0% or 61,303 shs in its capital. Us Financial Bank De invested in 0% or 11,700 shs. Barclays Public Ltd Com accumulated 0% or 226 shs. Moreover, Hillsdale Inv Management has 0% invested in Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) for 430 shs. Retail Bank Of Montreal Can has invested 0% of its capital in Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK). Putnam Ltd Liability Co stated it has 20,055 shs. Seizert Capital Prtn Ltd has 0.01% invested in Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) for 8,460 shs. Parametric Port Limited Liability Company reported 16,167 shs stake. Great West Life Assurance Company Can reported 0% of its capital in Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK). Bessemer Grp Inc Incorporated Inc invested in 0% or 14,300 shs. Comml Bank Of America Corporation De holds 0% of its capital in Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) for 10,693 shs. New York State Common Retirement Fund owns 7,800 shs for 0% of their capital. Rhumbline Advisers accumulated 11,343 shs or 0% of the stock. 1,100 are owned by Thompson Siegel And Walmsley Ltd Co.

Territorial Bancorp Inc. registered $407,544 net activity with 0 insider purchases and 3 selling transactions since February 13, 2019. On Thursday, February 14 $102,048 worth of stock was sold by Murakami David S. $204,289 worth of Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) was sold by Kitagawa Allan S.

For more Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) news brought out recently go to: Bizjournals.com, Seekingalpha.com, Bizjournals.com, Globenewswire.com or Bizjournals.com. The titles are as follows: “First Hawaiian, Bank of Hawaii decline in market share – Pacific Business News (Honolulu)” brought out on September 21, 2018, “15 Upcoming Dividend Increases – Seeking Alpha” on August 02, 2018, “Territorial Savings joins other Hawaii banks awarding bonuses, raising minimum wage – Pacific Business News (Honolulu)” with a publish date: December 28, 2017, “Territorial Bancorp Inc. Adopts Repurchase Program Nasdaq:TBNK – GlobeNewswire” and the last “Honolulu-based Territorial Bancorp adopts $5M stock repurchase program – Pacific Business News (Honolulu)” with publication date: June 11, 2018.

Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:TBNK) Institutional Investors Chart

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